
"Oh...ahhhh..... f-faster baby" moaned by the woman who I was screwing now.

"Ahhhh..... oh...harder baby"

"I'm cum-cumming ba-baby," she said

"Oh yeah, you're fucking good at bed," I told her

Just a few thrusts and we both reached the climax we were hoping for. I was tired of lying next to her. While I was regaining my strength I was removing the condom I used. Just a few minutes later I regained my strength. I immediately stood up to clean myself.

"Hadwyn, where are you going ?" Shiela asked me. I just pointed out the door of my bathroom. I went inside the bathroom to clean myself up without hearing her non-sense words. After cleaning myself up I went to my table to check my emails.

"First thing in the morning I want you to leave my unit . " I said. I just focused on working. I checked the emails that my secretary sent me. It is about hospitals that need a stock of medicines. We are the provider of medicines to well-known hospitals here in the Philippines, even in Italy. I'm the one who handles the company here in the Philippines . My younger sister, Hannah Ryker handle the company in Italy. She lived there for good. She only comes home here when there are special occasions and when needed.

" Ahm Hadwyn Can I stay here for 2 Days? " Shiela asked me.

"No, I want you to leave my Unit Tomorrow morning," I said to her without even looking at her. I haven't heard a word from her. I have a very hectic schedule this month. I called my secretary . I will ask if my Flight to Italy has been booked.

"Hello Hershey," I said on the other line.

"Good evening Sir, What do you need?" she asked me.

"Do I already have a ticket to Italy?" I asked her. While I was talking to her I was looking closely at the background of the Hospitals that wanted to take medicines from HR Pharmaceutical Company.

"Yes Sir, I already booked a flight to Italy. Flight is on tomorrow morning. 10 am is our flight to Rome, Italy" she answered me in detail.

"Okay, Thank you for informing me." I said to her.

"I will go there to your Condominium At exactly 5 am Sir so that I can prepare the things you will need while we are in Italy," she said to me.

"Okay, no problem Hershey. Good night and sorry for disturbing you" I said to her

"No problem Sir, It's part of my job. Good night Sir" she replied to me.

I ended the call. After I called my secretary , I called my sister on Skype to talk about our company she handles there .

"Qual è il tuo problema, mio caro fratello, mi stai dando fastidio"[What's your problem, my dear brother, you're bothering me]she said on me while she's fixing her clothes.

parlami in inglese, moccioso"[talk to me in English you brat] I boringly answered her. She rolled her eyes on me.

"The Company is still standing, it's still on top. And I handle it carefully" She said and she put lipstick on her lips.

"How are you? You're late Hannah" I said to her. It's 9 am in Italy but she's still at our house.

"I know ok! Perché io e i miei amici siamo partiti per festeggiare ieri sera" [Because my friends and I left to celebrate last night] she said and stood up to pick up her bag.

"Just make sure that the work you do will not affect the company" I reminded her.

"Of course! I wouldn't do any stupidy that can affect my company duh !." She said to me.

"That's good to hear then. I will go home there but we're going to check-in at a 5-star hotel. 11:20 pm we'll arrive at the airport. We need a car for transportation" I said on her.

"Ok. I'll tell them to take the car you need at the airport. You'll attend to the party of Suriaga Family?" she asked me. I just nodded at her.

"Yes, They sent an invitation to my secretary," I answered her. They sent an invitation. 18th Birthday of Khalil Suriaga's grandson to his son Cedrick Suriaga.

"Okay then. Tell me when your secretary buys a gift, I'll just keep up with her" she said to me. I just nodded at her.

" No problem. And you still know how to speak Tagalog huh? hahaha," I laughed and said on her.

"Of course! by the way, I need to go. Bye! and please say hello to dad and mom for me" she said to me.

"Ok. Take care of yourself. Bye!" I said goodbye to her and turned off the call. I turned off my Laptop. I saw Shiela sleeping peacefully on my bed. I lay down on my sofa bed to sleep. I don't side with the women I have sex with. I'm not yet ready to get married. I want to enjoy my life and live it to the fullest.