Capitolo Quattro



We were already inside her office, my secretary remained just standing on the side. As I looked at her office you will think that the owner of this office is a woman, because of the smell and interior design of the room.

"So, Why do you want to visit here in the company ?" She asked me.

"Nothing. I just want to know how's the working place here" I said. I went on her bookshelf and check the books there.

"The working place here is fine and good. By the way, What do you want? Coffee? juice? or tea?" she offers us. I just shook my head in response to her.

"What about you Hershey?" she asks my secretary.

"A glass of juice is fine with me, Ma'am Hannah" Hershey replied on her. My sister Hannah immediately called her secretary to deliver the juice. She also offers my secretary to sit down on the visitor's chair. She has fiction, law, business books on her shelf here. I wonder why she has law and fiction books here on her shelf. She wanted to be a Lawyer, but our parents didn't agree.

"You still read about law, huh?" I teased her. She just rolled her eyes on me.

"You know that I want to be a successful Lawyer," She said. I just shook my head.

"Of course, who wouldn't know that! but look at yourself now. You're a successful CEO of a big company now!" I cheer her up. Because I know where this conversation will go if we continue this conversation. A few minutes passed and her secretary arrived with juice and she immediately handed it to Hershey.

"Are you done looking at my books?" she asked. I just nodded at her. I went to her table to check some files. Lots of folders piled on her desk, I looked at them and checked it one by one. It's just a report from each department here at the company. Others are folders that she needs to sign. When I finished looking at it I sat in another visitor's chair.

"Are you done checking the reports and folders on my desk?" she asked sarcastically. I nodded at her in response. She immediately stood up and went to her table, she took her bag and smiled at us. I frowned at her.

"Where are you going?" I asked her.

"Let's go! Let's buy clothes that we will wear for tomorrow as well as a gift" she said excitedly to us.

"How about your work here?" I asked her.

"Hey! It can wait okay? Let's go" she said to me. I just nodded to her. I gave up on her because I knew I wouldn't win with her. We left her office and went to the parking lot for the company. In the car, we drove we chose to ride to the mall we were going to.

"Where are we going? Sir and Miss?" our driver ask

"In Porta di Roma Mall" Hannah answered him. My brother and I are in the backseat, Hershey is always in the front seat. I was quiet throughout the trip, while Hannah talked to Hershey about something.

"I will choose and pay for the dress you will wear for the debut party tomorrow, Hershey." She said with a smile. I saw Hershey just nod because she knew she could do nothing to reject my sister's offer to her.

"You won't treat your brother, Hannah?" I asked her. She looked at me and rolled her eyes.

"Of course!.... I won't treat you! You have billions of money duh!" she replied on me. I just rolled my eyes on her too. I just kept quiet throughout the trip until we got to the mall. When we arrived at the mall, I'm the one who comes out first before my sister. We went inside the mall. We entered a dress shop.

My sister went inside immediately. I don't need to buy new clothes for the party, because I already have it. I looked at Hershey who's with my sister now. I went to their place to look at the dress they were looking at. When they saw me, they immediately gave it to the saleslady.I frowned on what they did.

"Signora, il suo ordine è già ok, basta andare al banco per pagare e prendere l'abito" [Signora, il suo ordine è già ok, basta andare al banco per pagare e prendere l'abito / Ma'am, your order is already ok, just go to the counter to pay and get the dress"said the sales lady the one she reached for the dress.

"Grazie, lo prenderemo. stiamo solo cercando un altro vestito per me" [Grazie, lo prenderemo. stiamo solo cercando un altro vestito per me/thanks, we will take it. we're just looking for another dress for me] My sister replied and smiled at the saleslady. The sales lady smiled at her. The left to look for another dress.

"Let's meet in Wiener Haus Restaurant, Hannah," I said on her. They immediately look at me, with their questioning look.

"What?Why?" she asked me.

"I have something buy, so let's just meet there okay?" I replied. They just nodded at me. I left the shop and went to the jewelry shop I knew. When I saw the jewelry shop I immediately entered.

"Buon pomeriggio Signore, come posso aiutarla" [Buon pomeriggio Signore, come posso aiutarla/Good afternoon Sir, how can I help you] A sales lady a sales lady asked me.

"Voglio una collana personalizzata" [Voglio una collana personalizzata / I want a personalized necklace] I replied on the sales lady.

"Per favore,seguitemi Signore" [Per favore,seguitemi Signore/Please follow me Sir] she said. I nodded at her and followed her. We went to the personalized section.She asked me what jewelry I want to personalized.

"Voglio una collana con nodo trinità personalizzata con pietre di diamante, una lettera iniziale HR e una lettera HL su un lato del nodo trinità. Quanto costa e Quante settimane prima arriva?" I said in detailed.

[Voglio una collana con nodo trinità personalizzata con pietre di diamante, una lettera iniziale HR e una lettera HL su un lato del nodo trinità. quanto costa e Quante settimane prima arriva?/I want a personalized trinity knot necklace with diamond stones, an initial HR letter and HL letter to one side on the trinity knot. how much does it cost and how many weeks before it gets?]

"È costato 49,537,908.75 ITL . Dacci 1 mese e mezzo per finirlo" She answered me and give me a small smile. I just nodded at her.

[È costato 49,537,908.75 ITL . Dacci 1 mese e mezzo per finirlo / It cost 49537908.75 ITL.And give us 1 month and half to finish it]

I immediately fill-up the form that she gave to me.

"Pagherai gli articoli una volta che sono già pronti per il ritiro qui nel nostro negozio" She said . I just nodded at her thank her for assisting me. I left the shop when I finished filling up the form.

[Pagherai gli articoli una volta che sono già pronti per il ritiro qui nel nostro negozio /You will pay for the items once they are ready for collection here in our shop]

I received a chat from Hannah. They're in the Wiener Haus already and waiting for me to come. I immediately went to the restaurant. When I arrived at the restaurant, I immediately saw their table and went there. I asked them if they had already ordered, they said they had not waited for me yet. I just nodded in response to their answer, I called the waiter to take our order.

"Is it okay if I just order for you?" I asked her.

She smiled at me first and she nodded. I smiled back and look for the food that I'm sure that she would like. I order Altte di Pollo, Milanese di Maiale, Wiener Speck & Gorgonzola, Wienerschnitzel, and a pitcher of Iced tea for the three of us. Hannah ordered Troccoli al pomodoro e bufala and Altte di Pollo. The waiter left when he got our order. The Altte di Pollo is a fried slightly spicy chicken wings with wiener sauce. Milanese di Maiale is a breaded pork they served it with arugula, cherry tomatoes, fried potatoes, and wiener sauce. Wiener Speck & Gorgonzola is pork cutlet, they breaded it with gorgonzola, speck, and walnust, they served it with fried potatoes and Wiener sauce. Wienerschnitzel a breaded pork cutlet they served it with fried potatoes and Wiener Sauce.Troccoli al Pomodoro e bufala a troccoli with tomato and buffalo mozzarella troccoli with tomato sauce, morsels of buffalo mozzarella, and basil.

After a few minutes of waiting for the food, we ordered was already on our table. We started to eat with a little conversation. When we finished eating we went to the sandals shop. They said they hadn't been there before because they were hungry. When they finished buying clothes and shoes for tomorrow we bought a gift for Cedrick's daughter. We decided to give her a designer bag. Hershey chose the bag I would give as a gift.

When we finished shopping we decided to go home, because we were tired of shopping for the things we needed. Around 9 pm we went home to the mansion because of shopping. We reached our parents in the living room of the mansion, we immediately greeted them.

"Take a rest now and we will talk tomorrow morning," Mom said and smile at us. We went upstairs to our room to take a rest. When I entered my room I lay down on my bed and because I'm tired I fell asleep quickly, even though I haven't changed my clothes yet.