Capitolo Sette


As I approached the elevator here in the parking lot I looked for a trash can to dispose of this tissue. When I saw something I immediately went there to throw it away. I went inside the elevator and I pressed the number of the floor of the venue. When I'm already on the right floor, I got out of the elevator and went inside the venue. I went back to the table where my parents and sister are, they're already eating and the same with the other guest. I went to catering to get my food. When I got my food I went back to the table to eat.

"Where did you go earlier Hadwyn?" my Dad asked me. I put down my utensils first and sip on my juice first before answering him.

"I just took care of something Dad" I answered him. But he doesn't seem to be convinced by my answer.

"You took care of something which caused you to leave for about an hour? Are you fuvking serious Hadwyn?" he asked me again with his medium voice. Because he was not able to shout here at the party.

"He screwed a woman Dad" Hannah added. I looked at her badly on what she said. I looked at Mom to ask for some help. But she just shook her head as a reply to me. I sighed at what she did. I looked at my Dad, he massaged his temple to control his anger on me.

I want the earth to swallow me now

"When will you stop doing that kind of shit of yours Hadwyn?" he asked me. I keep my mouth shut because I know this issue will only get long if I answer his question.

"Let's talk about this matter later at the mansion, not here at the party" my Mom convinced my Dad. I looked at my dad who just nodded as he replied on her. I sighed and I continue eating my food. I looked at Hershey who's busy chatting on her phone. My left-hand travels down on her tight. She slightly slapped my hands and looked at me.

"What?" I asked her in a low tone of voice. She went closer on my face to whisper her answer.

"Remove your fuvking hand on my fuvking tight" she whispered on me. I just smirked at her and didn't remove my hand on her tight. I went close on her face and whisper something, she looked at me wide eyes. I sip on my wine and didn't mind her reaction to what I've said on her.

"Mom, Dad" I called my parents. They immediately turned to me.

"Yes?" my Mom asked me

"We're going home now, "I said.

"You and Hershey?" Hannah asked. I nodded at her as I replied.

"Why? Are you tired Hershey?" my Mom asked Hershey. I looked at her and stared at her. She nodded her head in response.

"Okay then, be careful about driving Hadwyn," my Mom said. We got up and walked out of the venue. When we were in the elevator I grabbed her with a kiss and leaned on the elevator. While I'm busy kissing her, I pressed the button for the parking lot. At first, she didn't respond to my kisses, when I massaged her watermelon she opened her mouth to welcome my kisses and that makes her moan and response on my kisses. We stopped kissing each other as we ran out of air. Just as we stopped the elevator rang on one floor.

Some entered to go down to the lobby. Hershey and I were behind them. I suddenly remembered a scene in Fifty Shades of Gray where they were an elevator and a lot of people, like this now. My hand traveled to her thigh, Hershey immediately looked at me and enlarged eyes because of what I did to her. I started rubbing my middle finger on her little kitten even though it's still covered with her underwear. When I looked at her, she bites her lower lip that stops her to let out a moan. When I'm not satisfied, I inserted my two fingers on her entrance. She went closer on my arm to bit it. I continued thrusting my fingers in and out. When the elevator stops on the parking lot, I stopped what I was doing to her. She fixed herself and we excused ourselves to give us a way to come out of the elevator.

I walked first to where I parked my car. When I saw my Black Maserati Granturismo I went to open it. I waited for her before I went inside.

"You fuvking sht!Why did you do that?" she hysterically asked me. I grabbed her and leaned her in my car.

"Just admit it, you like what I did on you, "I said in my husky voice. She slightly slapped my arm.

"What if someone saw what you did to me in the elevator?" She asked me. I let out small chuckles and I kissed her. I kissed her gently but deeper, as my hand travels down to her watermelon and massaged it. In between our hot kisses, she let out a small moan on what I did on her. My kisses went down on her neck, I sucked her skin that led to leaving a hickey. I stopped kissing her to catch some air. I opened the door of the backseat of my car.

I went inside the car first. She just stood outside the car. I peeked outside to let her in.

"What? Let's go Hershey" I said on her.

"I don't know the way to the mansion, Sir" she replied on me. I got out of the backseat and closed the door of it. I opened the front seat and I let her in. I turned around to go to the driver's seat. I started the engine and started driving to our mansion. As I was driving I glanced at her. She was leaning back and just looking out the window. I just let her and I just looked at the road.

Just a few minutes later we arrived at the mansion. I pressed the car's horn to get the guard informed that we were here. They immediately opened the gate, I entered my car in the garage. I turned off the engine and glanced at Hershey. When I looked at her she's peacefully sleeping. I took the car's key and got out to turn around to the front seat. I carried her in a bridal style. I bring to my room and I laid her down to my bed. I went to my walk-in closet to get some of my pajamas. I changed her clothes and I wore the pajamas I took for her. After I changed her clothes I went to the shower to take a bath in a cold water and to release the heat inside me. After I took a bath I lay down next to her to sleep.