Chapter 1.3

Year XX68.

25 years ago, also known as the Year of Calamity.

The most ruthless natural disaster fell to the World.

Due to the tragic death, an estimated 20% of the world's population (also 32 billion) died during that year.

Because of the eight meteor strikes.

However, the meteor strikes did not slaughter people up to this number.

All countries worldwide had predicted its impact zone and had already evacuated by then.

It was the energy it released after the impact zone— that killed most of the people.

Tornados, cyclones, thunderstorms, heat waves, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, duststorms, earthquakes, avalanches, landslides, drought, tsunamis, floods, blizzards, hailstorms, ice storms, cold waves, infectious diseases all over the World happened on that very same day.

Despite the disasters, some were curious about the meteorites and the energy they released.

Yet, getting close to the meteorite itself is already a challenge. Because of that, many were:

Burned alive;

Frost to death;

Drowned by endless floods and tsunamis;

Destroyed by an undying cyclone that clears everything in its path;

Zapped by unending lightning strikes;

Infected by mysterious funguses;

Mutated due to powerful radiations;

Petrified into stone;

…before they could even take a closer look at the meteor.

There are even some who dropped themselves from a plane from above; however, what awaits them is a ruthless disintegration to ashes.

But in the end, thanks to their sacrifices, they were able to differentiate the energy these meteors were releasing based on the natural disasters they were releasing.









A total of eight elements were deduced from the natural disasters that were released by the meteors.

However, despite knowing that, they could do nothing to stop this.

Just when everyone had given up all hope…

A year later, a miracle happened.

A mysterious individual who proclaimed to have the darkness element appeared and guided the eight chosen ones to collect the meteors.

They obtained all eight meteors scattered across the world, and thus, they could harness this energy for their uses.

Surprisingly, except for the — the rest of the could grant others a fragment of their energy’s power, letting others weld this supernatural power.

However, instead of using this power to conquer the world, these individuals made use of it to restore the damage that was caused during the year of calamity.

The world praised their efforts, and people started to call them .

The first nine who obtained the power are called .

Yet, two years later.

All the vanished.

No one knew when or where they disappeared, but rumours said that they were fed up with the greedy people who came to them for power, even at the cost of turning to ashes.

Because the power of the could only hold one element, any more than that would make them perish into ashes.

A few years later, it was discovered that the powers of the were inheritable to their offspring. However, even if their parents have two different elements, only one of them would be inherited.

Although this power was inheritable, but until today, there’s no second darkness element to be found.

It seems only the darkness is the only special one, even among .

By the way, the current population of their kind is around an estimated twenty thousand, and at most, the chance of meeting one of their kind is even less than 0.000000125%.

If anything, I don’t know whether I was lucky or unlucky, to meet a Stargazer myself—what’s more, a Stargazer of Ice. Their powers are incredibly unfair— no wonder everyone wants a supernatural ability like that.

As expected, facing off against Kuroyuki Shiroha, a , was proving to be a daunting task. The biting cold of her powers seemed to seep into my bones, chilling me to the core as I sparred with her amidst the swirling fog.

“…Mrk— Hoh!”

With a deft sidestep, I narrowly avoided a spear thrust aimed at my back, countering with a powerful kick that sent snow flying. But despite my efforts, the fog remained as thick as ever, obscuring my vision and making it difficult to anticipate her next move.

Time was running out, and I knew I had to step up my game. Taking a deep breath to steady myself, I focused my thoughts, channelling my energy into a decisive strike.


With a swift motion, I launched an attack, only to find my blow met with unexpected resistance. It seemed Kuroyuki had dispersed the impact from my gist.

“…How did you know where I am?” Her voice echoed from within the mist, taunting me with its enigmatic tone.

Suddenly, a hand emerged from the fog, aiming for my neck in a surprise attack. Reacting on instinct, I swatted it away and launched a counterattack, but once again found myself striking empty air.

“Isn’t that supposed to be my line…?!” I retorted, frustration mounting with each elusive encounter.


But then, a sound cut through the icy silence—a series of crunching footsteps approaching from behind.

[Usagi is calling]

Before I could react, the distraction of the incoming call interrupted our duel, causing both Kuroyuki and myself to pause in surprise.


“…Speak,” Kuroyuki murmured, her tone betraying a hint of annoyance at the interruption.

As I listened to the muffled voices on the other end of the line, a sense of relief washed over me. Whatever the conversation entailed, it seemed to have defused the tension between us.

With a resigned sigh, Kuroyuki's footsteps gradually receded, signalling her leave. As the fog began to thin, revealing the frozen tableau of our surroundings, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude—for the timely intervention that had spared us both from a potentially dangerous confrontation.

But still, those five idiots still remained frozen in that ice rose, and that thing shows no sign of melting.

…I better call the infirmary unit for help.