Chapter 3.10 - Saturday, July 16th, 4.06pm

The forest.

In an unfamiliar terrain.


"Don't think! Just run forward— Restia, incoming icicles…!"

"Obice!" (Barrier!)

Extending her hand towards the incoming icicles, Restia summons a giant magic circle to block them from us.

"Big brother— two leopards are coming from the right!"


"Don't worry, leave it to me…!"

In response towards the pouncing snow leopard, with precise timing, I shift his trajectory with my scabbard with the least effort, directing it away from grabbing onto Fenrir's daughter.


It slams on the bushes nearby.



With her still running forward while following the smell, Fenrir's daughter slams the other one back to the right with her head.

"Well done…! How much longer…!?" I asked Fenrir's daughter.


"She says we are almost there!" Restia replied.

"Restia, incoming ice floor magic again…!"

"Expurget!" (Dispel!)


"Counter it with lightning on the remaining ice…!"

"O, Fulgur, percusserit quasi malleus!" (Oh, lightning, strike like a hammer!)



With Restia's lightning hammer smashing on the ice, the snow leopards quickly leap away from it. It was too sudden for them— they crash land on the nearby bushes.

When I thought things are going well… Fenrir's daughter gradually slows down her running speed.

"What's wrong…?" I inadvertently ask.

When I face forward— there's a snow leopard, with grey eyes, white fur and dark blue spots… standing in front of our way. Her size is larger than the rest of her own kind and with a thicker coat on her chest… she stands in our way— alone, all by herself.

Though she is more massive than her kind, yet she is still smaller than Fenrir's daughter— at least five times smaller.


Facing that, Fenrir's daughter whimpers and stops, then eventually get down on all four of her feet.

Even if Fenrir's daughter were to choose another route and bypass her… I doubt that the Snow Leopard that's standing in front of us would let us pass.

"B-Big brother……!"

With a shaky voice, Restia suddenly hides on my back.

I hold her hand that's on my waist, trying to give her comfort.

"Restia…? Why are you so scared…?"

"S-she says that's the snow leopard queen…!"

"Snow leopard queen…"

…Crap. It's the leader of the Snow Leopards.


Under her commanding roar, the Snow Leopards that are pursuing us from behind stop their attacks. However, they encircle us with their numbers… with twelve in total.

The others must be the elite guards…

I'm sorry, Alpha Fenrir… I might not be able to keep your promise…

How did this happen…?

After we got Alpha Fenrir's approval… we take a quick meal while waiting for the medicine inside that man's body to work. Which then after confirming four of the seven poisons were detoxified, we immediately equip ourselves with weapons and hunting suits, heading towards The White Snake's territory on Fenrir's daughter back while bringing that man.

Because of Ruby's incident… I can't hold guns or grenades anymore— whenever I tried to, my hands would shake like mad itself.

All I have is the katana and dad's dagger, while Restia has mom's scythe with her.

Initially, we are going in by ourselves… but Fenrir's daughter didn't listen to my suggestion. She insists on bringing us to The White Snake territory herself… and now this happens.

The snow leopards may be smaller in size comparing to the Fenrir wolves… but their ice magic is absurdly superb enough to have power on par with the Fenrir wolves. As for their temper… I hope the snow leopard queen's character would be better than Alpha Fenrir…

Is there anything I can do…?

"What business do you have with us, humans…?" She asks, with a voice like a noble queen in her twenties. "Or maybe you have a business with our lady White Snake…?"

Her international human language is fluent…!

She's definitely capable of having a rational conversation…

I pat Restia on her hand, telling her it's okay. Then I jump down from Fenrir's daughter back, standing in front of her— acting as a representative.

"I'm sorry to bother you…" I said that because we were the ones at fault. "But can you take us to your lady…?"

"It's fall." Snow leopard queen replied. "It's 'brumation' period for my lady— you should see her after winter."


I see… The White Snake isn't at its active period… No wonder The Black Cat is in such a hurry to initiate war.

Looks like there won't be any room for negotiations if it's like that. I need to convince her.

"I have important news, and it's an emergency for your lady, it's for you and your leap as well…!" I said.

"Emergency…?" Snow Leopard Queen tilts her head to the right. "I would only take it as an emergency if it's concerning my lady's life."

"It is! Take me to her— Guh…!?"

She blows her cold, icy breath on me all of a sudden.

"Think before you speak, human. Do you really think that little puppy could pose a threat to my lady? The only threat to our lady is your parents or that cat."

Her stubbornness is refusing to listen.

"Do I look like the 'not to think' type?" I immediately retorted. "If I don't think— why would I come all the way here just to see your lady…!?"

Snow Leopard Queen suddenly approach closer with an irritated look.

"A weak, tiny human like you dares to talk back…"

She reaches her left paw near to my face— with her claws extended.

"…do you not fear death, little boy…?"

This question… it's the same one just like Alpha Fenrir's.

At first, I thought he's trying to scare me away… But now I get it. I get why did he ask that.

Because he knows that my parents are gone… this means— Snow Leopard queen knows too.

However, I don't have any room to be scared.

… I'm carrying four lives on my back— I can't afford to be scared.

Restia, Ruby, Fenrir's daughter, and that man… I will protect them all.

"B-Big brother—"

"Stay back, Restia!" I told her. "She won't harm me…!"

Hearing that, Snow Leopard Queen's ears seem to have twitched for a moment.

"Why are you so certain, little boy…?"

As she asks, she tilts her head— seeming dumbfounded.

"Because I have important news that's life-threatening to your lady. Without it… you and your lady will perish from this forest, forever."

I made it straightforward so that she won't go so far to injure me.


Hearing this, Snow Leopard Queen puts down her paw and lowers her head— seems like she's finally considering my words for once.

"…You are coming with me, alone." She uttered.

"No— they are coming with me." I retorted.

Feeling irritated, she growls at me.

"And why do you think I should listen to you…?"

"I promised to never leave my little sister behind, to protect that wolf and to save that person that's on her back," I told her.

"Promise…?" Snow Leopard Queen remarked.

Somehow, her tone— it feels sarcastic.

"…very well." She said while facing behind. "If they could put their trust on you… I might as well— Grawr…!!!"

With that growl, her snow leopard companions immediately back off and disappear into the woods.

"…Thank you…!"

"Follow me, little boy. My speed is the fastest among my leap… you better catch up."

Thanking her, I quickly head back to Restia and jumps on Fenrir's daughter's back.

"Big brother…!"


Feeling relieved, Restia gave me a quick hug.


With that, Snow Leopard Queen takes a giant leap forward and runs—leaving trails of icicles behind.

I pat Fenrir's daughter on her back to calm her down, telling her everything is okay.

"Follow her," I said.



"Huff— Huff—"

After running for about six minutes while following the ice tracks, we finally meet snow leopard queen at the end of the trail— who's waiting for us while licking her paw.

"I've waited for around four minutes." Snow leopard queen murmured. "What took you so long, little puppy?"


In response to her sarcastic remark, Fenrir's daughter tilts her head in confusion.

"… It's nothing. She merely means you are very slow." Restia said to her.


Restia's reply made Fenrir's daughter lower her head in depression.

"What did she say?" I asked Restia.

"She says she doesn't understand what minutes is."

"Ah… I see."

Restia thinks it is a bother to explain what is minute, so she decided to cut it short.

But I'm somewhat surprised that snow leopard queen knew the concept of time instead.

"Why are you stopping here…?" I asked.

"Stand next to me, little boy." Snow Leopard Queen told me.

Following her orders, I jump down from Fenrir's daughter's back and stand next to Snow Leopard Queen.

"Lady White Snake hates to be interrupted from her afternoon nap… I can't guarantee you what will happen next."


Why is she telling me that all of a sudden…? Could it be… the White Snake is just nearby…?

"Cover your ears, little boy."

Once I did, snow leopard queen faces forward and roars as hard as she could.



Nothing seems to happen.



That hissing sound made me cover my ears even tighter. It's so high-pitched…!



I don't know what she's saying… but I know she's very pissed.

Like the voice of a succubus demon… the voice of a bewitching witch… I could hear her voice echoing from everywhere around us, yet I see no signs of her.

Suddenly, our surroundings changes— the tree trunks, bushes, turns into a large mass of white scales, and they are— moving.

She is just so gigantic that her body had to coil on every tree trunk she could find. I see no limit to her body length.

Where is her head…?

"Dámur—" (Lady—)



"Þat's brýnt, minn dámur." (It's urgent, my lady.)



“Já, minn dámur.” (Yes, my lady.)



All of a sudden, White Snake's head suddenly drops from above, slamming on the ground.

While the wind pressure from her body slam blasts forth, snow leopard queen guards us against the powerful blow with her magic barrier.

"Welcome, humans— Hiss…? And also, the young mistress of the wolves…?"

With her head lifting up like a King Cobra… she naturally glares down on us.

"…What brings you here……? Is there something so urgent that YOU NEED TO WAKE ME FROM MY NAP……!!?"

"Lady, this little boy said he had life-threatening news for you." Snow leopard queen interjected.

"Life-threatening newssss……?" White Snake murmured. "Let me guess… it could only be that cat… isn't it, boy…?"

"Yes, it is."

It couldn't be more obvious.

"Hiss……? And what about it…? What does she want, hiss— let me guess… my death…?"


Didn't snow leopard queen said it was life-threatening news…?

"THEN WHY ARE YOU HERE FOR…!!?" She suddenly got angry.


With those words thrown at me, I find myself dumbfounded for a moment.

"Is there even a need to guess!? The cat's target is always you, isn't it!?" I retorted. "I even said it was life-threatening news, so why is there even a need to guess!?"

Crap, my bad habit.

"My lady always behaves like that when she forcibly wakes up. It's something like sleep deprivation." Snow Leopard Queen said calmly.

"Hiss— No, it's not."

Surprisingly, White Snake minds Snow Leopard Queen's remark.

"It is."

"It's not."

"It is."


—she got angry!

But… unlike the cat— from the way she speaks to Snow Leopard Queen… I can tell she's much friendlier than I thought…

Could it be…?

Can I put my hopes on her and Snow Leopard Queen…?

"Lady White Snake… I have a proposal— I want you to stop this pointless war." I said to her.

"……war…?" White Snake murmured. "That cat— wants a war…? IF THAT'S WHAT SHE WANTS— THEN SO BE IT…!!!"

…I take that back.

"Lady, don't be reckless." Snow Leopard Queen warns her. "You say you want her to stop this war— by that, are you referring to us, little boy…?"


"Given the current state of my lady… we won't be helping you—"

"No— let me hear it." White Snake interjected. "…I want to see what do you have to stop that cat that not even your father could."

Why did she mention my father…?

"…you knew…? My parents are gone…?"

"…Yesterday morning." Snow Leopard Queen answered. "Your parents' mana was no more since yesterday morning."

"That reason itself isn't enough for that cat to act recklessly." White Snake suddenly muttered. "If she breaks the pact, your father, Lucione, will destroy her. The cat I know… would definitely find a good excuse that isn't violating the pact…"

"The cat you know…?" I remarked. "What do you mean…?"


For some reason, the white Snake looks away.

White Snake— seems to know Black Cat inside out well enough for her to say that.

"Lady, me, and that ungrateful cat are good friends when we were little." Snow Leopard Queen replies.


With that hiss— Icicles suddenly rains down from above of Snow Leopard Queen, which she makes a quick dodge by leaping to the side.


That attack made Snow Leopard Queen looks at White Snake with an inconceivable look.


"…I apologize, my lady."

With that as an apology, Snow Leopard Queen then lowers her head, setting aside.

Hold on… what did I just hear…!?


"Not anymore—"


White Snake, with her anger, shuts down Snow Leopard Queen's reply.

They were friends— yet something big happened… breaking their relationship.

I inadvertently recall Alpha Fenrir's words.

"I heard from the leader of the Fenrir wolves— that The Black Cat's parents… were killed by your father."


With a short sigh, White Snake lowers her head closer to me, and said—

"My father ate her parents right in front of her, alive."