Chapter 3.16 - Tuesday, July 19th, 8.27pm

After the Snake spits me out from her mouth, we quickly head to where the cat and the snow leopard are, hiding behind the bushes with the same barrier casting around us earlier.

The reason the Snow Leopard Queen is able to escape from the thick chains and arrive here is because of Restia.

She… made a change of plans behind everyone.

She believes in Snow Leopard Queen's ability to persuade the cat. All she needs to do is to recall the cat's trauma as a stimulant.

Through the wolf, she translates their language to Restia, then to me.

However, things aren't going as well as she planned— because the cat is still not completely gone insane.

"If I'm with him… I know I can definitely forget about the pain. But it's already too late— IT'S TOO LATE." The cat said while groaning.

The cat's love for me is insane— even though we only met once.

…I don't hate it.

If I don't stop her now, there's no turning back for her this time.

It's alright, I just need to step out from the barrier.

"No, it's not, cat. I'm still alive."


The cat quickly gets down on all four of her feet while trembling in fear.

"P-Please… go away…!" She told me.

She didn't even dare to look at me.

It seems, she still thinks of me as her own hallucination.

As I look at her small body from behind, I bend on my knees, picking her up from behind as I place her on my arms.

Even so, she refuses to look at me in the eye.

"Now, look here, cat— if you keep running away from your problems, you will never be happy."

"B-But… I hurt you— with these claws of mine…"

"What should you say to me, then…?" I asked her.


The cat seems confused.

"Apologize, cat." Snow Leopard Queen told her.

The cat finally looks at me for the first time.

"I— I'm sorry…! I'm sorry for hurting you…! You could feed me to the fishes…!"

"H-Hey! No! Don't ever say that again!" I retorted.

Geez, it seems like there's still a lot to teach her.

"Not only your claws, cat. From now on, would you protect me…?" I asked.

"I want to… but… what about my curse…? Weren't you afraid of my curse…?"

"Ah… for that— Restia!"

Receiving my approval, Restia cancels her barrier while holding the Fortune Rabbit on her arms, approaching closer to us along with Dómr's daughter.

"Is she… the Rabbit of Fortune…?"

"She's here to balance your curse, cat," I told her.

Putting her down on the floor, I squat down and look at her— reaching my hand towards her.

"Then— I will ask you once again. Do you want to live with me from now on, and protect me as my contracted beast?"

Though to become a contracted beast, a blood pact must be formed between us— however, I don't have magic on me… so all I could do is to give her name.

The cat, then snugs her head on my hand for a while, as if she's putting her scent on me.

"…Yes. Please give me a name, master…!"

Fortunately, I have been preparing this for quite a while ever since she asked.

"Alright then… your name from now on— will be known as 'Felix'."

"Does my name have a meaning…?"

"Of course. In rune language, it means 'happy and lucky'."

"Happy and lucky…"

"Although you had lost your parents… at least you still have your friends that still believe in you, and me, right?"

"Nya…" She looks happy. "Master, please let me kill the snake."

""NO!"" Me and Snow Leopard Queen halted.

"Yes, myaster~!"


She looks too happy. Seems like she's still a little broken in the inside, right…?

"My lady, you can come out now." Snow Leopard Queen said.

The White Snake appeared out from thin air. She could blend into her surroundings because of her scales.


…Felix still remains hostile towards the Snake. It seems like it was on reflex after so many years.

"Calm down."

I might as well hold her in my arms.

"It's been a while, cat." The Snake told her.

"!?" Felix is visibly surprised. "Why do you know how to speak in human's language…!?"

"…Dómr taught us."

"Dómr…?" Felix looks confused.

Looks like she really didn't know that the alpha of the Fenrir wolf she's holding hostage is the guardian of the forest, as well as my father's contracted beast.

"Dómr is the alpha of the wolves— also, this boy's father's contracted beast."


Felix seems to have recall something.

"He's… the one who carried me…! He's the one who carried me with a human!" She said.

"…….!?" Snow Leopard Queen is confused. "My mother— this means he's the one who buried my mother…!?"

"…I'm not sure— but most likely." Felix replied.

If the cat didn't bury her mother… then it's most probably dad and Dómr who did that.

Come to think of it…

The cat, the leopard, the Snake.

Dómr seems to have a relatively close relationship with them.

"Hold it. Is Dómr the one who taught you three magic and human language…?"


… I'm getting even more confused. Dómr taught them everything and yet he was ordered to kill them…!?

What on earth is dad planning…!?

Looks like there won't be an answer even if I were to think. His daughter doesn't seem to know what is going on. If I want to see the answer…

…the only choice I have, is to knock one out from him.

If I'm not wrong… that man will probably lose to Dómr, even though he said he will be fine.

We need more power.


"Leopard, snake, wolf, rabbit— will you become my contracted beast…?"


Restia, Felix, Snow Queen Leopard, White Snake, Dómr's daughter, and the Fortune Rabbit all look at me with a surprised look.

"For what reason, little boy…?" Snow Leopard Queen asks.

"My father— he ordered Dómr to kill Felix or Lady White Snake."


The cat, leopard, and Snake reacted with fear.

"…I know this is a foolish request, but I need all five of you to defeat Dómr."

"I accept." Snow Leopard Queen replied. "I can't put my lady or Felix into harm."


Felix seems to be touched by Snow Leopard Queen's words.

"That's not all, isn't it…? And your mother's whereabout…" I said.

"That's right— please give me a name, master."

"Hmm… how about Asha? It means 'life and hope', after all, you are the one leading your leap."

Snow Leopard Queen then lowers her head.

"The Queen of Snow Leopard, Asha, hereby pledge her life and soul to— come to think of it, what's your name, master?" She said while lifting her head.


They seemed surprised to not know my name.

"My name is Lucifer— Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare. And she is my little sister, Restia Nightwalker von Nightmare."

"The Queen of Snow Leopard, Asha, herby pledge her life and soul to Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare and Restia Nightwalker von Nightmare. I will protect my masters, even at the cost of this life—"

"Hold it. I will never accept such a pledge, Asha. I don't want you to die."


Asha raised her head, looking bewildered.

It seems I have to do this myself.

"I, Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare, hereby accept Felix, Asha, Pearl, Forsjá and Fortuna to be my contracted beast— though we are master and servant, but forever we shall live together as a family. Helping each other out in their needs."

I then reach out my hand, where Restia places her hand on top of mine.


The others immediately understand and touch my hand with their paws, tail, respectively.

"So… master, my name is Pearl…?" White Snake asks.

"That's right. White and beautiful— doesn't it suits you?"


I had no idea what that sound means, but I guess she's happy.

"Big brother… so her name is Forsjá now?" Restia pats Dómr's daughter on her front paw.

"Yes… because instead of her ancestors' One who hates', she cares for us. That's why I gave her that name."

"But… why did you know their language…? Forsjá is asking why."


I didn't realize the weirdness in Forsjá's name until Restia told me. In their language, Forsjá means 'care, aid'.

…I don't know. I really don't know why I knew what this word means.



We heard the sound of a horrible explosion— not only that, seems like it's coming from the direction of my house.

…Their battle is getting more intense.

"…We should go, master," Asha said to me.

The whereabouts of her mother's body are making her restless.

…However, that's not our priority first.

As their master, I need to guide them on their behaviours on what is meant by 'family'.

"Since you guys were unfamiliar with each other… I will forgive you this once." I uttered while looking at Forsjá. "It's okay if you don't want to fight your father, Forsjá. I won't force you."


My action reminded them that Forsjá is Dómr's daughter— who's currently suffering a crisis.

"……A-Au…!" Forsjá lowers her head in shame.

"She said she will do it," Restia told me. "She said she will follow your orders."

It's apparent that she doesn't want to fight her own father.

Hearing Forsjá's answer made me angry.

I thought I've made everything clear earlier.

"That's your father, Forsjá!" I reminded her. "If you don't want to fight him— just say no! I'M YOUR MASTER NOT A DEMON!!!"

"...A-Au…" Forsjá finally shakes her head.

Even an idiot would know what that means.

Nevertheless, she still looks depressed.

"Don't worry, Forsjá. If you want to help, you can protect me— protect us." I said to her.

She then lowers her nose till its reachable for me— seems like she wants me to pat it.

But instead of me, Felix reaches her paw and pat her nose instead.


Seeming touched by it, Forsjá licks her paw in return.

"N-Nyaa…!? Her saliva is disgusting…!"

She flicks her paw so she could get rid of the saliva.

…So cute.

"Hehe, seems like you finally get it, Felix," I said.

Felix then snugs her head on my arm.

"Growl… so jealous." Asha groans. "…!"

She then quickly turns away from the embarrassment from us to avoid eye contact.

These guys are cute in their own way.

Perhaps I should teach them size-shrinking magic sooner or later.

"Big brother… is Dómr really following papa's orders…?"

"… I'm afraid so."

I know why Restia is worried.

Contracted beast will follow their master's order till they died— I know dad doesn't like things like order or commands, but… if he really did this, then Dómr really needs to kill Felix or Pearl.

…I can't let that happen, no matter what.

Not when most of the things managed to settle down peacefully.

Though I don't know the answer yet— but I'm sure there's a way to cancel dad's order from Dómr.

Right now, the biggest problem is…

"Can we… really defeat Dómr…?" Restia asks.

…we don't know how powerful is Dómr, the Fenrir wolf— my dad's contracted magical beast.