Chapter 3.26 - Monday, July 18th, 12.54am

"I'm sorry for not telling you about this, my daughter— your mother's death… is because she couldn't accept the death of your brothers and sisters."

After hearing the story… Dómr's daughter— didn't feel as sad as I expected.

Her expression feels more like something has finally been lifted from her.

"…Ég skil ... faðir. Þakka þér fyrir." (…I understand, father. Thank you.)

With that, she leaves the graveyard.

"…Sigh. My daughter grew up so fast…" Dómr murmured after she left.

"Thanks for letting me hear this story as well, Dómr," I said. "It's really important…"

He then looks at me with a puzzled expression.

"Why… is it that you think everything I've said is the truth…?"

"Because in front of your daughter, you had no choice but to tell her the truth. I'm sure you don't wish her to become like her mother."

"…Hmph. You really are like your father."

"Hehe. Thanks." I replied while scratching my head embarrassedly. "Now then… let's get into the main point, shall we…?"

Somehow, I find myself staring at Dómr with a solemn and tensed look.

"…Name it." He murmured.

"Is my dad the one who planned this?"



"…Maybe he did this to test you."

"Is this test… the reason why he left…?"

"I don't know. I really don't know." Dómr murmured. "I wish to know the answer too."

It seems Dómr really didn't know. Even if he knows… I don't think he would tell me.

"Then— tell me— is that Cithaeron lion— really a coincidence…?"

Seeming to know the answer, Dómr could only furrow his brows with a vexed look.

"…No, it's not."

"…I knew it. What did my dad do to him…?"

"Your father placed a mind-controlling spell on him to attack your house."

"This means… he's not some innocent bystander, is he?"

"Eleven years ago… he did a terrible crime— he mass-slaughtered the Rainbow Sheep herds. Your father is merely putting him to good use before his execution."

The term 'Eleven years ago' made me puzzled. Because I didn't think that things would go all the way back then.

"Why did dad choose to execute him up until now…!?" I uttered.

"He told us that he wanted to raise his children before getting his execution— and apparently, it seems he did not change the slightest bit even after all these years."

"Even if he is guilty— his family is innocent…!"

His ears twitched.

Dómr doesn't look happy at all.

"How could you be so sure about that…? Besides, it doesn't matter if he is guilty or not." He said with a glare.

"…What do you mean?"


(Zhǎn cǎo chú gēn)

(Cut the weeds, eliminate the roots.)


This is… Eastern language— Mandarin…!? Dómr understands Mandarin too…!?

"To completely remove the weeds, you must eliminate them by the roots— didn't your father dad teach you that…?" He muttered.


I could only heave a short sigh to cover up my irritation.

"A fair ruler shouldn't be too kind-hearted." He uttered. "If I only execute his father… his children would definitely come back for revenge. It would be troublesome for me to kill them once again."

… He's right. I had nothing to refute against that.

However, I don't understand…

"Can I ask why did you spare the remaining two lions…?"

"Don't be mistaken— I only spared one. That little cub is merely afraid of death, that's why he resisted his father. I spared his sister because she's the only one who came to help. And besides, you already know, don't you? The cub couldn't possibly survive from those injuries."

Dómr definitely wouldn't let me save him because he needs to be fair.


Once again, feeling annoyed— I could only click my tongue.

…and I could only feel sad for the life that was lost.

"…Is it also because of my dad's mind-controlling spell, that I ended up to your territory as well…?"

"…Indeed. If he did that, everything would seem natural."

The lions are the one guiding me to the wolves' territory, blocking my escape routes.

Everything up until now seemed so natural that both halves of my personalities failed to realize, and one of them even fainted from shock.

"Then, what about the cat…? Aren't you the one pushing her to war against the White Snake…?"

"It's necessary. I fear that she might end up like my wife or The Old White Snake. It's just a matter of time before her condition worsens. Ever since the death of her parents… there's not a day she slept without a nightmare."

I don't know why she could hold a grudge for so many years. In fact, maybe it's because of her grudge that she became like this.

Maybe it's because I don't know how it feels to watch both of my parents die in front of my eyes.

Ever since the day I lost Ruby and my parents' absence, all I had was this one nightmare of Ruby getting eaten by the White Snake.

I couldn't even sleep. I'm able to rest because they (Nightwalker and Nightmare) were either knocked out or fainted from shock.

However, what's the point in starting the war?

"… That's what I don't get it." I uttered. "You knew the outcome of the war— it would've ended up a draw…!"

"…Yes. It is exactly what your father and I wanted."

…He's even saying this with such a calm look.

"I don't care…! That's their business— why did you drag Ruby into this—"

"I don't know where is she, but I can assure you that she's safe." He interrupted.

"W-What…?" I inadvertently murmured with a confused look.

Dómr— he— he didn't intend to involve Ruby right from the start…? Then— this means… Ruby is just really an excuse to start a war…!?

"Then— what's is your aim— your purpose…!?" I muttered to him with my words stuttered.

"…You won't like it." He said while heaving a sigh with a vexed look.

"You got me involved in this so-called test. I already don't have a choice." I told him.

"Your father… placed a mind-controlling spell on me and ordered me to kill either the cat or the snake."

It doesn't seem like it's a lie.

"What— Why…!? There's no way my dad would do this…!"

My dad would never, ever, do such a bizarre thing.

"…Indeed, child— your father would never. We reached an agreement before he places that spell on me."

"Why would you even agree to this!? Didn't you raise them as if they were your own child…!?"

"Don't underestimate me, child. Although I don't understand your father sometimes, but I know he isn't the type to toy with life. That's just how much I trusted him."



I rammed my fist on the ground.

"Why are you telling me all of these…?!"

"I was told to answer any question you seek."

"Then what was this test all about…!?" I uttered.

"Like I told you— I don't know. All your father told me is that your performance in this test decides your future."


The frustration could only make me scratch my head like a madman.

Come on… think— THINK…!!! What did I miss…?!

If everything starts right from 15th July— starting from the Cithaeron lions…

Then to Dómr's territory…

"!" Realizing something, I raised my head. "You— You let the lion hit me on purpose so that I could fall into the sea…!?"

When I recalled, I noticed that Dómr freed the lion from his jaw from Nightmare's memory.

He just didn't realize because he's already in such a weak state.

"…I knew you would survive." He calmly replied. "The cat thought you died— I'm sure she would go to the snake's territory within a few days."

…He didn't even apologize for throwing me into the sea.

Which then, I recall what he told Nightmare during the second time.

"Hold on a second… the snake too! You intentionally said Ruby might end up there so that I would go and check that place myself…!"

"Among the three of them, the leopard is the smartest of them all. I let my daughter give you a ride so that the leopards would not harm you."

Dómr is sneering.

It somehow feels like he's saying 'Gotcha'.

"That's why the Snow Leopards didn't attack as fierce as I thought— because you aren't enemies."

"Attack…? You mean, they are playing…?"

"What!? Those huge icicles are just playing…!?"

"Didn't you notice…? The cat, leopard and snake know how to speak your language. If it's not for me, where could they learn your language from…?"

"…Makes sense. Then… didn't you taught them ice magic as well…? I was quite surprised when I saw them casting similar ice magic."

"Indeed. The cat knows too— after all, my only speciality is ice magic."

I could tell that he really cares for them.

But then, why? Why would he agree with dad's order…?

Dómr says my performance in this 'test' decides my future…

—hold on. He never said anything about my performance in this 'war' to begin with…

…Test, he said.

This means— this is something that could be solved peacefully.

It doesn't seem like Dómr is capable of recovering from the mind-controlling spell and evaluating my performance.

Then… the only conclusion I could come up with is—

"It can't be— that white hair guy I picked up from the beach meant to help us…?"

—dad sent a person to evaluate my performance, as well as to stop Dómr's mind-controlling spell.

I thought he's just a human with outstanding capabilities.

"This is where the bad news is, child."

His remark immediately made me understood.

"…He really had an accident, didn't he…?" I murmured.

"…I'm afraid so. When you saved him from that beach, I really thought he's playing dead somehow— I tried to frighten him. But as you can see, it seems something extremely terrible has happened to him when he's on the way…"

Come to think of it, he is extremely lucky. Regardless of what kind of accident he has— it's surprising that he didn't get swallowed by the sea creatures.

"Do you know who is he…?"

"…I don't know."

"Huh?" I inadvertently uttered. "What do you mean you 'don't know'…?"

"Your father had so many friends! How is it possible for me to remember all of them…!?"

"He had white hair and red eyes— just like a white rabbit! How could you not remember someone with such a distinctive feature…!?"

"…All I know is that your father once talks about him."

"You should've said earlier…! What did my dad say about him!?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe he's from Central Imperial Island."

"'Maybe' from Central Imperial Island…? Does this mean you somehow recognize him…?"

"…From his smell."


That's quite the convenient nose.

After a moment of silence, Dómr then looks at me with a tender expression— as if he's trying to make a confirmation.

"…What are you going to do, child?"



"How are you going to deal with the casualties?" I asked.

"My pack will scatter everyone near their area at that time."

"Not only them, Dómr— you need to scatter them from your battle too."

"…What do you mean…?"

"Your daughter, the cat, the leopard, the snake— I'm going to make them mine, Dómr."

"…Are you going to make them your contracted beast and use it on me instead?"

"I don't have any other choices."

"…Very well, child. I will give you my daughters if they choose to follow you— and here's a warning… they are several times stronger than their parents as they were now. Especially the cat— even if the snake and leopard add up it wouldn't be enough to stop her if she's serious."

"If that's the case, don't talk to her or even meet her these days."


"I don't think the cat is stupid— she would dare to start a war because you are the one supporting her."

"You mean, without me… she would hesitate to attack herself…?"

"Yes. At least, she won't go so far to kill right from the start. The cat somehow, I could tell that her condition is still fine for now."

"…I see," Dómr murmured.

He's grinning for some reason.

It's as if he wants them to become my contracted beast right from the start…

"What about him…?" He then said.

"…I hope he wakes up as soon as possible. Without him— you might really have to kill one of your daughters, Dómr. I'm telling you this because I want you to be prepared for the worst."

"Is that so… I will try to restrain myself by that time."

"…I hope so."



…This silence is awkward.

When I realized, this is the first time we had this awkwardness between us.

…Oh well, this just means it's time for me to leave.

When I stood up, I realized the most important thing that I've yet to ask— even though I already knew my answer.

"Dómr, one last question," I said.

"What is it…?"

"When did my dad started to plan for this?"

"…One month ago."

"Is that so…?"

Though he's not quite sure with his answer, yet I could tell that he's not lying.

In fact, I was extremely disappointed that he's telling me the truth.

Dad is really unfair.

My dad would never spare that Cithaeron lion— unless for another reason.

He… already decided to do this even before I was born.

Are those ten years— no, two years we once had is nothing but an empty farce…?


…I don't want to believe this.

"What's wrong, child?"

"…I was just thinking," I murmured. "If things go well, I want you to call me' young master'."

With a look of surprise at first, Dómr then looks at me with a grin.

"As you wish, young master."


Why did Dómr have so much faith in me?

…That question kept rolling in my head.

When I exit the graveyard, I saw Dómr’s daughter patiently waiting for me at the entrance.

“…Þakka þér fyrir.” (…Thank you.)

She murmured to me with a sentimental expression.

“Ef þú vilt að skila mér greiða, become my contracted beast.”

(If you want to return me a favour,)

“É-Ég…?” (M-Me…?)

“Though I can’t exactly give you a contract now… but if you want your name— you need to have to wait until I get your ‘sisters’.”

I didn’t give her a chance to refuse.


“Stop playing dumb,” I said. “You knew your father is like a foster father to them. Don’t worry, I will definitely save them all when the time comes. You should come and live with me by then, okay?”