Chapter 4 - The Black Sword, Prologue

2nd June, Year XX93.



As soon as the door at Training Room 1 closed and locked— I mustered strength on my legs and run towards Principal at full speed.


While yelling that, I throw a punch.


“GEH— ARGH!!?”

My fist caved into his face, sending him flying to the wall.

“Guh— you stupid brat…!” He stood up while healing the bruise on his face. “I forgot my multi-layered magic barrier doesn’t work on you…!”

“Hahaha! This is what you get you damn old fart!”

“Isn’t this supposed to be a touching reunion after six years!?” He asked. “What is wrong with you!?”

“Who cares about that?! I don’t have much time left anyway, haha…!!!” I spouted those words like a kid throwing a tantrum.

Erasing my presence, I stepped and appeared behind him— throwing a silent left hook.


He immediately ducked and countered with a low sweep, breaking my balance.


Before I fell on the floor, I auto-countered with a right kick on his chest.

Together with our balance broken— we slammed on the floor.

“You idiot…!” He uttered while standing up. “Had dying made your ‘Will’ to become this weak…!? You can’t even dodge my low kick…!”

“Nonsense…! Had you become so rusty that you can’t even tell I’m exchanging blows!?”

“Oh yeah!? I will only believe you if you could dodge these…!”

Principal suddenly closed our distance with his footwork. I’m not sure what style it is, but he’s using martial arts to deal with me now.

Taking a step back, I dodged his left hook.

I lifted my chin, evading his right uppercut.

And finally, I stepped to my right— avoiding his right front kick.

“Here’s a present…!” I said to him.


In return, I throw a right turning kick on his waist— which he guarded with his left arm.

“…I see.” He then murmured. “Not bad, not bad. Should we get into details— GEHHH!!?”

My left punch drilled into his abdomen.


Right elbow to the jaw.


And finally, a crossing right-side kick on the chest— which I sent Principal flying to the wall again.


A tremendous crashing sound echoed throughout Training Room 1.

“Phew, I’m satisfied,” I murmured.

“What do you mean SATISFIED!!?” He yelled while patting his clothes. “You aren’t even going all out when you fought Kuroyuki Shiroha!”

“…You are watching? Gross.” I inadvertently uttered with despise.

“I had to.” He said. “After all, you are now a brat in puberty.”

“Puberty? I have been watching over two girls who are in their puberty.” I retorted. “If it’s isn’t for Dómr, I thought I’ve already become a girl.”

“Then she’s the perfect cure for you. I’m pretty sure your male hormones are surging out.”

“I am a male. Having male hormones is normal.” I refuted.

“Dang. And here I thought you would deny.”

“Alright, enough with the chit-chat,” I uttered. “What is your purpose for putting me with her?”


He’s asking what have I been through.

“…Putting her violent nature aside, I’d like to know about her past,” I asked. “I’m sure you know. What on earth happened to her…?”

“Really, now…?” He played dumb. “Why would you want to learn someone’s secret from me? You need to consider her privacy.”

“Because it doesn’t seem that she would speak about it,” I said.

“I know you are impatient because you are on the verge of death now— but still, she needs time to open up herself.” He murmured. “Kuroyuki Shiroha had suffered a terrible past that left a deep scar in her heart. It’s a miracle for her to recover.”


Hearing that, I inadvertently swallowed my saliva and recalled his words once more.

…It’s a miracle for her to recover, huh.

Because of her childhood friend, Lucifer Vermillion.

“Then, do you know about that person who saved her?”

“Oh, that brat with the same first name as you…?” He murmured. “…He’s dead.”

Something’s not right here. If what he said is true, why didn’t Kuroyuki knew about it…?

“I know what you are thinking.” He told me. “I will remind you again— I learnt this truth from her parents.”

Her parents are the executives of Imperial Knights Academy; most of them are Principal’s friend. There are times where he would talk about their personal life with the executives.

I know that because I am the highest executive of Imperial Knights Academy.

“Think clearly, brat. If her parents told her the truth— do you really think she could possibly bear it? She can’t have any more stimulations that could break her mind.”

“…It’s not right to let her continue to suffer either,” I replied.

“That’s why her parents sent her here. She had to make a friend or two to fill that hole in her heart.”

“Are you saying, I’m here to become friends with her? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING!?”

Putting a person who’s on the verge of death to become her friend? She’d had to suffer another pain…!

“Like I said, your life is mine.” He reminded me. “I don’t care how much time you have left.”

Hearing his remark, I gave it a thought for a moment.

“…I see. Any news about Uncle Raphael…?”

“Man… You are no fun.” He made a bored look. “…No, for now. My dear honey is still searching for them.”


I was stunned with my jaw dropped.

“Oooh…! That’s a fun reaction to watch…!”

Stay calm, me. Stay calm.

He must be toying with me— HE MUST BE.

“If you need a psychologist, I’m one— with a genuine license.”

He even showed me his license approved by him. Not that I care.

…He completely knew what I’m thinking.

“…No, thank you,” I answered. “Anyone but you.”

“That’s too bad. I personally think that I’m a good mentor.”

…I wondered where did he get his confidence.

“Hey— hold on…! If a King like you is the Principal of this academy… then don’t tell me…”

“Oh, a correct guess.” He answered. “Vice is the Vice Principal, also Kuroyuki’s supervisor.”

“No wonder she mentioned that you are just a temporary supervisor…” I murmured.

“Speaking of that— as your supervisor, I’d like to ask what method had you used on her to let you win on purpose.”

“…Maybe it’s because I looked like her childhood friend…?” I said.

“No.” He rejected my idea. “It’s because that’s the fastest way for everyone to acknowledge you!”

“Don’t tell me you are the one planning all of this…”

“Of course not. She had her own free will to choose her partner— it’s just that she acknowledges you that much that she had to plan that far.”

“What does she acknowledge on me anyways?”

“It’s simple. Among all the partner selected for her, you are the only one who could withstand her ‘Intimidation’.”

“…So it’s really not my imagination— she really knows the ‘Force of Will’.”

“Haha, isn’t it surprising that the other you didn’t run away?”

“…Really, I never imagined that coward would stay after facing such a deadly ‘Intimidation’.”

Because we are separated— our Force of Will were split into half of our own.

I had ‘Anticipation’, ‘Foresight’, ‘Presence Erasing’, ‘Intimidation’, and ‘Rejuvenation Cladding’.

As for Nightwalker, he had ‘Presence Sensing’, ‘Fighting Spirit’, ‘Defensive Cladding’, ‘Offensive Cladding’, and ‘Countering Cladding’.

Even if Nightwalker had his ‘Fighting Spirit’, it’s still surprising that he didn’t run away after facing Kuroyuki’s ‘Intimidation’.

If it’s me, ‘Intimidation’ wouldn’t work on me for some reason— maybe it couldn’t be directed on me.

“Maybe this is what fate is.” He said. “Just like how you and I met six years ago…”

“…No sign of my parents?”

“Like I told you, you are the FIRST that deserves to know their whereabouts.”

“Is that so…?”

No luck, then.

“Alright, let’s put that sad stuff aside, okay?” He clapped his hands to catch my attention. “I’d like to receive your report about the mock battle by 5pm today.”

August Whisperwind, Persia Silverlight, Crimson Veludora Blaze, Kronos Y Chronoclock, and Rumelia Heartlock.

“Okay, what should I write? Half of the S Class students are human-skinned monsters like Kuroyuki? I demand an explanation!”

“Are you sure it’s exactly ‘half’…?”

“Hmm…? Oh. On second thought, Kronos is probably just slightly above average. In terms of physically and magically… The reason Kronos’s strong is because of his ‘Elemental’ power and his brain.”

“Yes, you could say he’s an engineering genius with high compatibility with his element.”

“But still, how is he able to verify that August is holding the legit Crepusculum Ignotum?”

Crepusculum Ignotum is a Spirit Sword wielded by the ‘Spirit Sword King’— the strongest modern swordsman who mastered every possible swordsmanship worldwide, and they are abnormally complete, including swordsmanship that was lost at ancient times.

Depending on the style he plays, Crepusculum Ignotum shapeshifts to the sword that he sees fit.

It was said that the person who crafted Crepusculum Ignotum is a human known as Y— a genius engineer who vanished 20 years ago. It mainly consists of nanomachines, which allows it to shapeshift.

Then, it was enchanted by the current Magic King to achieve indestructibility.

And finally, the sword was imbued with an artificial spirit that chooses its master.

“Well, he’d finally managed to hold that sword for the first time in six months… I’m sure he took his time to research about it.” He told me. “Why don’t you ask yourself? That sword acknowledges you as well.”

“Okay, then tell me— is August Whisperwind a disciple under the Spirit Sword King?”

“He even had his Crepusculum Ignotum. What do you think?”

Actually… I’m asking whether he knew the Spirit Sword King. He’s not answering my question, but I assumed that he had already responded indirectly.

“What about the Silverlight family? Why is the young mistress of the Silverlight family enrolling Imperial Knights Academy?”

The Silverlight family is regarded as World Nobles— or known as Nobles of the World.

Because of their achievement in exorcising against demons, ghosts, undead, and so on, many countries worldwide acknowledged their achievements. Officially declaring them as the family who protected humanity. That’s how they got their title as a noble.

On top of that, it’s the highest rank of all.

However, some countries do not acknowledge their feat, and Central Imperial Island is one of them.

“Who knows what were they thinking?” He replied. “Maybe it’s because the young mistress is sick of her noble life? Most of the nobles like her acted high and almighty. Does she seem to be like them to you?”

“…No. Not at all. That sunshine character of hers is the attractive part.”

“That’s right.” Principal replied. “Since I’ve already accepted her as a student of Imperial Knights Academy, the only thing you should do is to treat her fairly just like how you did to everyone else.”

“What about Crimson Veludora Blaze, then?” I asked. “Putting his race aside, not only he is stubborn, but he also had an irritable attitude and violent nature as good as Kuroyuki.”

“I’m sure you asked yourself about Blaze, despite being a half magical beast and dragon, but he’s in human form.”

“It doesn’t seem like he liked humans.”

“Hmm… I wondered about that. Blaze might not look like it— but he got himself in 3rd place, oh wait, it’s 4th now, with just his fists alone.”

“Huh…?” I was surprised. “His rank is just under Persia…!?”

I immediately activated my screen and checked the rankings. It made me jaw-dropped.

The latest top eight was as so:

1. Lucifer Nightwalker von Nightmare

2. Kuroyuki Shiroha

3. Persia Silverlight

4. Crimson Veludora Blaze

5. August Whisperwind

6. Rumelia Heartlock

7. Kronos Y Chronoclock

8. Sherry Scarlet Rosenberk

“Surprised?” Principal laughed, as if he expected my reaction.

“…Come to think of it, even though he’s throwing amateurish punches… but he seems skilful enough to cushion his fall— is he perhaps, trying to hide that he’s trained in martial arts…?”

“Bingo.” He replied while throwing a disgusting wink. “It’s not an easy feat to completely master a martial art. On top of that, he’s not originally human.”

“…I see.”

… It seems like I should take my time to understand people.

“By the way, brat— do you remember Rozen & Alice Tailor?” He suddenly asks me.

“Oh, that branch shop at Silesia Republic…? Restia and Ruby bought their custom-made school uniforms there.”

“Rumelia Heartlock is that shop owner’s daughter.”

“Hmm…? And your point…?”

“Come on!” He raised his voice. “The automata workers at their store! Do you really need me to tell you everything?”

“I’ve never been there. How would I know?” I replied. “All I know is that those automata were made to look exactly like human… Hold on, you mean— Rumelia Heartlock isn’t completely human…!?”

“She’s a cyborg, to be exact.”

“…That explains her kick and why she’s able to control 96 marionettes at the same time.”

“Her biological body is working with the nanomachines inside her to increase the output of her brain. That’s why she could control so many of them.”

“You know, if you aren’t a practitioner of medicine… I almost would’ve thought you are a stalker.” I murmured. “You actually knew all of their backgrounds, didn’t you?”

Or else I can’t explain why he’s able to tell me about those details.

“Was I found out…?” He played dumb. “That reminds me… how’s your body now?”

“…Not good. About two weeks left.” I replied. “Even Nightwalker needs to catch his breath in just a mere 2km run now.”

“Wow, that’s earlier than expected…?” He seems really surprised. “Looks like you need to put your hopes on Vice to get Raph before the deadline…”

“Maybe... I will get better if I unseal myself…?”

Principal immediately glared at me upon hearing my words.

“…You would die.” He uttered. “Even if you knew Kuroyuki had the key to unlock your seal— your body would explode from the insides.”

“Maybe my body is strong enough now.”

“Can’t you put your faith in me, brat?” He told me. “Just like how you believed I would return to get you out from that island.”

“I believe you, but— I don’t believe you could make it in time,” I told him harshly.

“I can.”

…He didn’t throw any explanation because he knew I wouldn’t listen. He understands me well.

I could only heave a sigh in return.

“…Fine,” I told him. “If I die… please help me look after them.”

“Such depreciating words.” Principal said to me. “Why don’t I give you a present to cheer you up?”

“Right… my enrolment gift. Where is it!?”

I reached out my hand, demanding him to hand it over.

“Well, aren’t you excited all of a sudden!?” He looked speechless for a moment there. “Ehem, for that gift— you need to get it yourself.”

“So troublesome…” I stared at him with a tired look. “It’s definitely nothing good.”

“Oh, it’s definitely good.” He grinned. “You broke your katana a year ago, right?”

“That gift’s a sword?”

“Not just any sword. It’s a legendary black sword— and you are probably the only person who could retrieve it.”


“Hmm… what was it again…? Oh! It was said that the wielder of the black sword is stupid, foolish, hot-headed, short-tempered and retarded. It suits you perfectly, so go ahead and take it, brat.”

His eyes are laughing.

…And I was pissed.

“Over my dead body! You made that all up…!” I yelled.

“Sorry… I just can’t help but mess with you, hahaha.” He deliberately lets out a bold laugh. “Ah, right. For the rest of the details, please go to the White Mansion and find Special Student Number 1. She will explain everything.”

Kuroyuki Shiroha, in short.

“Okay…? Why are you telling me in such a roundabout way…?”

“For fun.” He replied.


My forehead seems to have popped a vein.

“Oh, before I forget— Special Student Number 2… Here’s your new assignment.”

“…That was quick.”

“Retrieve the black sword and hand it over to me.”



…He smacked my head.

“Calm down, will ya? I just need to analyse the quality of that sword.” He told me.

“Oh, that’s fine, then.”

“By the way, the rest of the S Class students will be joining you tomorrow in this assignment— well, the others were out cold, so… I had to give the rest something to do.”


“You need to bring them to the location of the Black Sword.”



“It’s inside the White Mansion, you fool.” He told me while smacking my head again. “They aren’t allowed to enter without their passes from either of you.”

“…Do this again, and I will punch you in the face,” I warned him.

“Okay, okay.” He replied, raising his hands and retreated. “That First Year Student Council President (Persia) had hers from Kuroyuki, but as for the others— their pass is restricted to sixty seconds and requires close contact, so you had to bring them there.”

“Well, isn’t she cautious.”

“…She is.”

“Hey— hold on, did you say ‘tomorrow’…?”

“Yeah, I did. Let me ask, how many G can you take?”

“About 1200G…?”


He means, only Nightwalker is strong enough could pull out that sword.

“What do you mean exactly!? Is that sword really that heavy!?”


“…That really is such a HEAVY gift.”

“Then why don’t you spend the rest of your day relaxing and have a little chat with your partner?”