I FELT THE same thing I never seemed to stop feeling. Nervousness and anxiety bubbled and overflowed within me; this time more than ever.

My legs were trembling and failing to hold me upright. My teeth never seemed to lack success in the doing of stopping the action of biting my lips as all my movements became faster than usual.

Formally, Sir Bloomsbury opened the door for me as I mumbled a quiet 'thank you' before walking in somewhat peacefully.

My eyes remained on the floor as Sir took in a deep breath before speaking. "You are questioning your existence in this room, I believe."

I nod; not wanting to speak.

"The answer is very simple; yet very, very complicated," he spoke and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but that is the biggest load of bullshit I had ever heard. That made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

He chuckles, noticing my confusion as I flush in embarrassment. Well fucking done, Kimberly!