
What the hell? I haven't even been here a month, and I'm already in trouble for God knows what!. Before I could protest, the bell rang and break was over so we were sent back to class.

We have language class before we have go to club meetings by 3pm - 4pm. Language is not so bad, we have the chance to choose what class we would take between French, Spanish, and Italian, so for someone like me that's always wanted to learn French but was too lazy to do it myself this is the perfect opportunity.

Most people prefer spanish to other languages because they believe its sexy, but i prefer french. It just has a way with the soul, tu sais ce que je veux dire?, You know what i mean?

So I'm sitting in French class but I'm not there, I'm trying to figure out what that girl, Edith, did but I can't think of anything, so after a while I gave up. No use worrying about it anyways, I can ask Favour about it tomorrow.

Class was almost over and Miss Stephanie, the French teacher, wasn't saying anything interesting so I decide to take note of the people taking French with me, 7 in total.

There's the boy who sits in front of me in regular classes, found out his name is David, and I'll admit he's one of the cute guys, given I don't take notice of that sort of thing.

He's a quiet person like I originally thought and funny too, even though I haven't spoken to him. Then there's a new students like myself, Rebecca, haven't spoken to her either, she seems cool, the third person I notice is a guy, Joshua, I don't know much about him, just that he's friends with David.

Ruth, an old student, and half of her posse –I don't know their names - make up the rest of the 7.

Personally I already don't like Ruth and she doesn't like me even though we haven't spoken at all. Well whatever that's wrong with her is not my problem.

The bell rings and classes are over so Miss Stephanie gives us an assignment to write about ourselves in French. I didn't mind the assignment until she added, "This assignment will be presented in front of the whole class but I won't tell you when you would do it". Shit.

I have really bad stage fright and hate speaking in front of people. My legs and hands get shaky, my voice come out loud but it sounds like I'm about to cry. In summary it's an embarrassing sight.

It's so bad that i can't answer a simple question without my heart beating like i just ran for my life and my voice shaking like an earthquake.

I prefer to just be that shadow that observes everything from a safe distance, without drawing attention to myself. I hate unnecessary drama.

By now everyone is leaving the class to their clubs, I notice Rebecca and David still sitting down. Maybe their clubs aren't active yet.

I'm about to make my way over to say hi to Rebecca when David calls my name,

"Emma!," I fix my resting face and turn around, "Yeah?," "what club are you in?," why is he asking?, "Arts club but it's not active yet." He smiles, "Can you draw?," "Yep, that's why I chose it. What about you?",

"Haven't joined one yet, I'm not interested," I laugh, "I wasn't interested either but I still joined one, besides, it's not like you have a choice," he laughs too.

His laugh is funny and almost makes me want to laugh again, but I smile instead, then I notice Rebecca getting up to leave the class, "We'll later, I want to talk to someone," I say to David and follow Rebecca out of the class.

It's weird and rare for me to be the one starting a conversation with someone I don't know but I have my moments.

"Hey, Rebecca!" I say when I fall into step beside her, she's heading towards the general hall "You're not in any club?"

She glances at me and smiles, she's probably wondering why I'm talking to her.

"Emma. No, I'm not sure which one I want to join but I'm thinking about literary club." "So you're interested in writing?." "Yes, I'm not really good at it though, but I like it enough to join," I laugh. Her tribe is Hausa, hard not to notice from her accent.

A lot of new student are having problems deciding which clubs to join. The old students can easily choose to stay at their original clubs, so the 1 month grace period from school resumption given to students to join a club is really needed.

"Why not music or arts or even cooking anyways?" I can't even consider joining cooking club or music. I might want to but I won't, it's too much stress for a lazy person like me. She laughs, "I can't sing, I can't dance and I'm not interested in the cooking part", she says.

We're at the hall now, we go in and find a seat at the back, the dance club and the music club are currently sharing the hall space.

"I joined arts because I like drawing. I haven't asked how it's like but with the way this school is I can already imagine it",

"Yeah, I know what you mean. You have a twin right?."

"Yup. He's in commercial class. He doesn't like science subjects so he ran away," I say with a smile

The bell rings then, the dance club is in the middle of some kind of routine but from the looks of it only the old members in the club are working and the new members are just observing, probably because its the first club meeting since resumption. The music club clears out of the hall immediately and only the dance club is left.

Rebecca is still sitting on the bench so she probably isn't leaving now so I stand up, "Becca, see you tomorrow, I'm going home," she smiles, "Okay, bye. Say hi to your brother".

On my way back to class I run into David again, he blocks my path and just stands there so I have to stop too. What the hell? , he doesn't say anything, just smiles and walks away, so he's quiet and weird. I shake my head and walk back to class.

While arraigning my things I remember the shit with Edith and my stomach twists into a small knot, I really do hate drama.

I sigh and head to my brother's class so we can head home together, when i get there he's sitting alone drawing, so i call out his name, drawing his attention, he stares at me and starts gathering his stuff.

Hes not the only one who's stare i attract though, several of his classmates also turn to stare at me, i involuntarily shiver and quickly walk away.

"Why did you run away?", Ebube asks when he joins me outside, i sigh, "Your classmates are scary in a way," "Weirdo".

We both have that in common, the drawing thing, but Mom doesn't believe that drawing is "lucrative" enough so it remains an unpolished talent. Luckily for me when we got home, my parents weren't home yet so I went straight to my room to change.

I needed to get my mind off what happened today so after changing I head to Chidi's room. When I got there Nora and Ebube were already inside. I burst out laughing, "So all of you had the same idea with me", Ebube then joins my laughter, "Yes now. Chidi's room is like the general hangout".

Me, Nora and Ebube burst out laughing because we know Chidi doesn't like it.

He frowns "what general hangout, am I sharing sweets that all of you are coming here," "which one is sharing sweet", Ebube says and laughs.

"Ask him please," I say, and then my sister adds "As if he would share sweet even if he had it, stingy boy", Chidi laughs, "See these ones, always looking for free things. What have you given me that will make me to buy you sweet?"

This boy is not even serious. "Most of the food that you've been eating, is it not me and Nora that made it?",

"That one is because mummy told you to make it. I mean the one where you do it for me without anybody telling you to do it", Chidi says then mumbles something I didn't hear and goes back to playing game on his laptop. Neet.

I turn to my twin, "My new acquaintance said I should greet you," "Well I don't know her so it doesn't matter",

I laugh, "Mean. Have you even made any friends?'', "Who has strength for that one, if it's meant to happen it'll happen".

Laziness runs strong in the family then add two handfuls of nonchalance to Ebube. It's that attitude that always made us fight a lot when we were little, so when my mother had had enough of separating us all the time she would send whoever that was at fault outside and the other would remain inside until she's sure that we won't fight again.

My sister who had been listening laughs and says, "Okay now, stay there. It'll shock you when after one term you don't have anybody", I laugh, "That's not possible, I'm too awesome to not have any friends", Ebube says with a grin, we all scoff at that.

I'm already feeling sleepy so I turn to Nora, "Can i borrow your phone tomorrow to do my French assignment." She let's out an irritated sigh, "We'll see."

I sigh too, well there's nothing I can do if she doesn't want to give it to me.

I leave the room to my room, take a quick bath and climb into bed, sleep comes immediately and I dream that future me was homeless because present me was expelled from school.