Game on!

After the whistle is blown it's my team's serve, specifically me, because David didn't know how to and he didn't want to get a foul for wrongful service.

I position the racket below my waist and the shuttle in front of it, my eyes flicks to the coach and she has a surprised expression on her face, then she flashes me an impressed smile and I feel a little more confident.

I usually serve by throwing the shuttle up and hitting it, like they do in tennis, but if i did that now it will be considered a foul

I pull my hand back, let go of the shuttle and hit as hard as I can, it soars clean over the net and my brother returns it. The shuttle glides over to David's position and he smacks it, good!. My brother returns it again this time and it comes to me.

I notice Favour looking slightly frazzled so being the nice friend that I am, I angle my hit towards her so Ebube, my brother, has no chance to help her, she panics a little and smacks the shuttle, but it doesn't fly, instead it goes straight to the ground like a smash.

The coach blows the whistle and the students watching cheers, I can't help double over, laughing.

"You're mean!" David yells at me with smile, shaking his head, I smile back innocently, "I don't know what you're talking about, I'm just playing the game." He scoffs,"Evil." I laugh again.

The coach writes the score on the board and flashes it at us, "1-0", puts it down and blows the whistle. This time David is to serve, I look over to the other side of the net, my brother looks slightly pissed off, he doesn't like unserious girls, while Favour just keeps laughing.

His eyes meets mine and I smirk. David takes the same stance that I did earlier and hits the shuttle, it soars over the net to Favour, this time she manages to hit the shuttle without panicking, it flies lazily barely making it over the net.

David and I rush forward at the same time. He makes it first and hits the shuttle, it goes straight upwards, the wind carries it forward slightly and it goes over the net, to the other side, but unfortunately it's in a bad position for us because Ebube rushes forward, jumps and delivers a perfect smash, it's too fast for me to catch so it goes straight down.

The whistle is blown and the crowd claps, Ebube looks satisfied, Favour was also feeling proud of herself. "Cheater!" I yell at Ebube. He laughs. "That's your business." He yells back.

"1 – 1"

Each team has 2 serves so my team is on the last serve, David lets me have it, coach blows the whistle and I let the shuttle fly. I angle the serve at Favour because I know she can't return well. Call me evil, but I want to win.

She panics and hits the shuttle. It goes forward but not over the net. I smile feeling satisfied but it doesn't last long, Ebube rushes forward and hits the shuttle before it touches the ground. David returns it and Ebube returns it back, I jump and smash.

Coach blows the whistle and I pump my fist, I turn and give David a high five. The game is a best out of 3, which means the first team to get 3 points wins.

"2 – 1."

The next service is for the other team and Ebube takes the serve. But luck must really not be on his side today because the shuttle doesn't go over the net, it just flies straight at it. The coach blows the whistle and the game is over.

Some of Favour's friends go over to her, laughing, while others clap and begin deciding who plays next. I'm already really tired so I drop the racket and announce to no one is particular,

"I'm done!"

Ruth seems like the only one to have heard me, she rushes over and pick up the bat then gives me a dirty look.

Why must girls just be so…!.

I shake my head and sigh, looking over at David who has been cornered by Ruth.

By the looks of it, he doesn't want to play another round but he's too nice to say no to Ruth, who's really eager to play with him. Maybe that's what the look was about. He has a "Please help me look on his face" and I can't help but laugh. I shake my head, saying he's on his own and wonder off.

I don't want to get involved in whatever that is.

when I check my watch its already 3pm, so I find somewhere to sit where I can watch the junior sports. They're currently in the middle of a sack race, girls only and my team is lacking behind. I grin, cup my hands over my mouth and yell, "Hop faster team black, like your life depends on it!", but that was a mistake because she gets distracted and face-plants. I turn around to hide my laughter.

"That was mean." Someone says from beside me, it's a guy, Tobi, I think. He's in my class and friends with David too. I'm in a good mood so I decide to be pleasant.

"I had good intentions, I didn't think she would fall."

"If you say so." He sits down on the bench beside me. "Why are you alone?"

"Because I want to be alone."

"Or you don't have any friends".

That vexes me a little, I turn to really see who I'm talking to, and he's an average, like me, but with dark skin, slightly swollen face and forever tired eyes with mini bags under them.

"So how exactly does my friendship status concern you?" he puts his hands up in mock surrender.

"sorry Ma!" he says with a creepy smile. I shake my head and relax a little. "so where did you learn to play badminton?"

Oh. So that's why he's talking to me.

"I didn't learn per se. I just read about it somewhere, but it's not hard though. All you have to do is hit the shuttle." I say with a small laugh.

He doesn't say anything for a while, when I glance at him he's staring at me. "You have a cute smile." I frown, then he quickly adds, "I don't mean that in a weird way.

The bell rings and I sigh in relief, I say a quick goodbye to the weird human and head back to class to arrange my things. I'm sitting down waiting for my brother when Ruth walks into the class. She's with just one of her minions this time, her eyes lands on me, and she gives me a dirty look, again, but this time she walks up to me.

"You. Do you know that I hate you." She suddenly says and even though it shouldn't, it shocks me a little. The class is half full so less noise meaning they all heard her. They stop what they're doing to eavesdrop, ugh! Typical Nigerians.

I try to play the comment off as a joke because i don't want to fight, so I laugh awkwardly and ask why. "You're rude and you're a snub. I don't like snubs." She says then she walks away.

Unpleasant memories from my junior year begin flashing through my mind and my heart starts pounding. I grab my bag and dash out of the class to avoid more drama. I don't want to remember the past.

"What is your problem?" Someone ask Ruth just before I'm out of the class, but i didn't see who. I pass by the creepy boy from before at the door, he probably saw the whole thing, "This life." I mutter sarcastically and walk faster.