
Somehow, I'm getting the impression that Elizabeth is one of those rich pampered children that don't get beaten when they're wrong at home. That is the only thing that would explain her behaviour. Elizabeth let go of the cane, hissed and walked out of the class, ignoring Mr. Aki's calls. This made him to follow her out too. The class was just waiting for this, the perfect opportunity and freedom to talk about what had just happened. I didn't feel like talking so I didn't say anything, I just listened to others and wondered how long I would have to stand now that class has been delayed. Temi was already chatting with someone over the issue, and the class was gradually getting noisy.

I wonder if the principal would hear about this. I low-key wanted him to, and I wanted to see her get punished. If my sister was here, and she heard that thought, she'd call me evil. The thought made me snicker. Mr. Akin walked back into the class, but without his opponent. I guess she isn't coming back. The class resumed as though nothing had happened earlier.

When the class was over, we found out that Elizabeth had actually gone home. She didn't care about the rest of the classes she had. I wish I could be as carefree as her, without a mom that threatens to send me to the market with a wheelbarrow if I failed my exams. Till this day I don't know if she would actually follow through with that threat, and I don't want to find out either.


Somehow, by some unexpected miracle, Elizabeth has joined my group of friends. When I think about it, it's not really unexpected. Temi was the first one to start talking to her, because that girl would do anything for gist. Then somehow, I started talking to her too, then Favour and so on. She's actually fun though and a little down to earth, unlike most of the attention-seeking girls in the set. Were currently on break now, and as usual, Elizabeth came over to our class to hang out.

"That's true, Ella! I heard something, oh,"

Favour laughs, "You're always hearing something."

And that was a fact. She is like a database, always current and hearing whispers from juniors, some seniors and even our classmates. "Favour, leave me alone ooh," she jokes, causing us to laugh, then continues, "So Ella, the gist going around is that David likes you, and you like him too."

She has this look on her face,like she is sincerely expecting me to confirm the rumour. Before I could deny, Elizabeth speaks.

"She doesn't like him, they are just friends so chill." she says, her voice tight.

I don't comment on it, neither does Favour or Temi, so I turn it into a joke. "Help me tell them, please. I don't have time for that."

I actually get how it would look like that to other people, because he's always talking to me more than he does with other girls. I'll admit that even I get confused sometimes.

"You think we're blind, right? We can see how the both of you are always talking and how he's always telling you to smile," Favour says with a sly smile.

So to like a boy is by force now?? There is just no escape with these girls. I shake my head and laugh, choosing not to continue arguing. Elizabeth gets up and leaves suddenly.

"Ignore her," Temi says, "She likes David, that's why she's angry."

For some reason, that made me laugh. So another person is angry because of me and David. Maybe I was wrong about her being cool. This is why I can't like the guy, too much trouble.

"That is not all I've been hearing sha, (well)," Temi says after a while.

"Wow," I say drily. "Is it only me people know how to talk about?" they both laugh.

"What I heard is that you're stingy, rude and you're a snub," That shocks me a little, "Oh, and that you don't smile too," she finishes.

Favour snorts. "Yeah, I've heard that too. I'm sure that it is one person spreading this rumour. She doesn't talk to most people so they can't just come up with it."

"They actually can though, but I'm pretty sure I can guess who it is that's spreading the rumour." I say, not really bothered anymore. It's always like this.

"Some girls are also talking too, because you don't talk to guys." Temi adds.

"Is it my fault if I don't want to seek attention from guys like they do?" they both laugh and agree.

I don't let it show that what she said bothers me to an extent. It a sad reminder of what happened at my last school. This was exactly how everything started there. The rest of the day goes by in a blur.


Exams are finally here and today is the first day! I'm excited, and I don't know why, I just love exams. Maybe it's because it's the end of a shitty term. The class is scattered with seats at different corners of the class, belonging to the student that didn't want to be disturbed and wanted others to know it. The class was quiet, save for the voices of some people solving questions and cramming. They looked so serious, more serious than me. It's making me nervous, and feeling like I'm not prepared. We have 2 papers every day for the next 2 weeks, except days when the exam is a selective course. The exams always start with practical, before the main exams.

The first paper for the exams is biology practical, the bell rings and all seniors move to the general hall. Exam time table for the seniors is different from that of the juniors, and the seniors are the only ones that write exams in the general hall. I don't wait for my friends because I want to focus so I head out first. On the way there, I run into Tony, the final year student that punished me. I decide to change course so he doesn't see me but it's too late. He walks up to me.

"My friend, my friend," he says with a smile. Ever since the day he punished me, whenever he see me, he acts like we are friends. The first time he tried it, I didn't respond so he threatened to punish me if I didn't smile. Since then I have been trying to avoid him, but I don't always succeed, like today.

"I know that you have been avoiding me, but don't worry, I won't punish you." I don't reply. I learned that it's better and easier to just let him speak and leave. He continues, "Don't worry; I will soon graduate so you won't have to see my ugly face again." I snort; at least he knows he's ugly.

"Tony, leave that girl alone!"

One of his mates, the girl that helped me before, calls to him, so he turns and leaves. Only then do I roll my eyes. At least my friends weren't here. I didn't tell them what happened that day because it's embarrassing. Students were already pooling at the entrance of the hall and pairing with their friends and seating partner, waiting for the okay to go in.Favour and Temi catch up to me a few seconds before we were asked to go in. We found a bench at the far back to sit, away from the invigilating teachers. After checking everyone's sitting position and making sure that we were sufficiently spaced, the exam started. An hour and 30 minutes later, the exam ended, and everyone filed out. Some people gathered together, comparing answers while others went straight to the shop to replenish their energy, like me. I prefer not to dwell on any exam I've written or compare answers. What is the point of torturing yourself over answers you got wrong and can't change?

After getting some money from the class, I head out to the shop.


Someone calls from behind me, I stop and turn, Its David. I stop and wait for him to catch up.

"Hey, once again you're going to the shop by yourself, maybe I've changed you," I chuckle.

He laughs, "It's because I saw you going, so I wanted to go."

"Then let's keep going, I'm hungry."

After buying what we want, we head back to class. "How was your exam?" David asks.

"Yes, Emma! How was your paper?" another voice repeats from behind me. It's the weird boy from before, Tobi. I ignore the question.

"what are you even doing here?" I say with slight suspicion.

"I saw you guys walking and decided to say hi." He smiles.

"Okay, you've said hi, now bye." He doesn't leave.

"No, I don't want to go, I want to talk to you." He says, the falls into step beside me. I turn to David, he shakes his head with a smile, but doesn't say anything. I sigh, just great.