Unnecessary drama.

I honestly wonder how high the IQ of people who study chemistry to become chemists is. I'm currently writing my chemistry exam, the last of the big three science subjects. Who am I even kidding? Writing is a huge overstatement. I've answered the question to the best of my abilities, though my answers and workings are short, I feel like they're correct, though there are still gaps in most of the theory sub questions.

Looking around, everyone in the hall is seriously busy, pens fleeting across their pages, writing everything they know. While it here, sitting on the bench waiting for the final minutes.

Someone at the far end of the hall raises their hand, "I need an extra answering sheet."

My mouth falls open. Is there something that I haven't written, or a question that I didn't answer? I think this was the second extra sheet that that same person has asked for. I manage to push the thought out of my head before I end up doing something stupid on my answer sheet. It's not like whatever I do would give me an above-average score. I'm cursed with it.

I sigh and begin doodling on my question paper to pass the time. No one has submitted yet, and I don't want to be the first. After an hour, one of the invigilators finally announces for everyone

to submit. I do that and hurry out of the hall, a huge weight lifted off my chest. Exams end tomorrow, and will finally be free! The last day is for selective course exam, which is just to give you a free passing grade. That is, if you read.

"Emma! How was your paper?" Tobi suddenly says from beside me.

When did he get there?!

"How would I know? I can't talk to papers."

"Yeah, she can't talk to papers."

Someone says, and then slings their arm around my shoulders, pulling me with them towards the school shop. It's David and Tobi follows beside us. I glance at his arm on my shoulder, and realise that I don't mind it. The story probably won't be the same for anyone else. Huh.

"This guy, you already know my routine."

I turn to Tobi, "My routine most of the time since this exam started, is like this. After the first exam for the day, I head to the shop to replenish my wasted brain cells, before I enter the class. He already knows my routine, cause he's been stalking me since this exam started."

Tobi cracks up as David tries to defend himself. His laugh sounds like he's either choking or having an allergy attack.

Strangely, Tobi and I get along well enough. He's funny and weird, and his thoughts on things are weirdly entertaining. The only problem so far is that he stares a lot, and mostly at me. It's giving people unnecessary ideas.

"So Emma you like that potato chips, popcy?"

I beam, "Duh! Who wouldn't like it? It's perfect." I sigh happily, and then frown when I see his facial expression.

"You don't like it?"

He shakes his head with a smile. I sigh, "He doesn't like it. He's like old people that don't take sweet stuff." I say to David in a defeated voice, as though the person I'm talking about isn't walking beside me.

"He also doesn't like ice-cream." David supplies helpfully, making Tobi to shoot him a withering look.

At the entrance to the shop, Ruth is there talking with a girl from her posse. I recognize her as my classmate, but I can't believe I don't actually know her name. I smile at the thought at the same time Ruth spots us.

"Oh shit." I mutter.

Both david and Tobi give me a look. I ignore all of them, walk into the shop, buy what I want and head back out.

"Emma!" Ruth calls, stopping me in my tracks.

I should have known it wouldn't be that easy. I plaster a neutral expression on my face and answer, "yeah?"

"So you're friends with Tobi too? I thought you didn't like boys."

"Have you heard me say that I didn't like them?"

"But you don't talk to them, and you act like you're above them." She says with what I think is a self-satisfied smile. Like seriously, this girl is mental.

"That is your problem, not mine." I say finally, turn around and walk away.

"So you don't like her too?" Tobi says.

That means he also doesn't like her. I feel like I've found a kindred spirit and I can't help but laugh.

"Well, she didn't like me first, so the most I can do is return the favour." I say, then add with a jerk of my thumb to David, "David doesn't mind or care or understand though, cause he likes girls." I smirk at him.

And that wasn't a joke. He sort of does, but maybe it's just me. He's nice to everyone, but it's a little extra for girls. That's why most of them are crushing on the guy.

We had physics later in the afternoon and I really needed to brush up on my formulas, so I left Tobi and David, and went ahead. They both didn't have anything to worry about, cause they're both smart. When I got to the class, Temi was on my seat, talking to favour and with the way they were laughing, it's probably about the chemistry exam. I shake my head and smile, embarrassed about the kind of friends I have that laughs at their failure.

I don't want to talk about the exam, so I change the topic when I reach them, telling them about what happened at the shop. They saw it as a really funny joke.

"So Elizabeth isn't coming to this class anymore?" not that I care anyways.

"Nowadays, she's always busy, so I've stopped asking her to come," Temi says dismissively. "And it's a lie. She's still jealous of Emma."

Hearing her say that someone is jealous of me over a guy is embarrassing. We talk until Temi decides to be the better student and leaves to revise for physics. I and Favour do the same too.

I'm just getting into my studying, when Ruth and her unwanted posse starts singing, and loudly at that, ignoring everyone's protest. I wouldn't have minded so much if they were singing regular songs, but no, they decided to sing Korean songs that they learned from korean dramas. They even turned the damn thing into an acapella. At this point, everyone is complaining for them to shut up, but they aren't listening. Maybe she can afford to be careless because she's more than prepared for the exam, but for someone like me that's still flapping around, and who would probably be killed if I failed, I don't have that luxury.

"Dude shut the hell up biko, please." I yell at them, making my voice neutral so it doesn't sound like a command,

"We know that you guys are more than ready for the exam, but others aren't."

"Don't mind them. With their coconut heads " Austin adds.

That makes some people chuckle. Despite the fact that almost everyone was complaining about their singing, they were acting like we, the class, were the ones in the wrong for not letting them sing.

"You, Emma, I don't want to hear anything from you." Ruth says to me.

I really didn't have the strength for an argument so I decided to ignore her, but she's not done talking. She's about to continue speaking, but her friend from earlier, whose name I still didn't

know, beats her to it.

"You're so rude. Why did they have to put you in this class? I even prefer your brother."

Seeing that they won't let me be if I ignored them I replied. "Um, I don't really care about your preference." I said to the friend, then turned to Ruth. "And you, I'm sorry that you're jealous and bitter because of it."

The class started making sounds of 'oou's' and 'ah's' which only inflated the situation. The sound of the bell cut through everything. I sighed in relief, stood up, took Favours hand and pulled her out the door towards the hall. I was so not sitting alone for physics.