Chapter Three: Old Memories

It’s the aftermath of the heavy rain poured out yesterday at the mansion. The sun's spectacle glimpsed its shining bright light and arouses from its deep slumber. The dews from the leaves sparkling from the sun's illumination and glistening like a falling star from the sky. The birds, ants, insects, bees, and other small living creatures contend the new day horizon. The family awakens late, but still attending their morning ─ceremonials, a cup of tea blended by a little honey and some herbs. Others are into scorching morning snacks like toasted bread and butter, or perhaps hotcake, biscuits and oatmeal.

"Ring... ring... ring..." telephone's chiming.

"Hello, Clearwater's residence, how may I help?" Mira greeted enthusiastically the gentleman over the phone. "Hello, can I speak to Mr. Finnegan, please?" voice speaking over the phone. "Certainly, sire! Hang on a minute, please." Mira shouts calmly to catch Mr. Finnegan's attention.

"Mr. Finnegan! Someone is phoning you, sir. He wants to talk to you."

"Hand that over to me darling!" he offers his right palm as he walking towards her.

Two seconds past, Finnegan takes over the phone on the other divided side of the chamber near to the living room. Mrs. Clearwater on the other side pulls up some albums of her daughter at the living room. Fancy paintings hanged in every centre of the wall. The sofa and the tables covered by colour red and white and also colour red carpet. The pillows coated in majestic red. The two large portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Clearwater hanged at the very centre of the wall, tainted by the glass and the board carved with colour silvery-gold fascinating your eyes.

The entire living room nicely ornamented of different varieties of artifacts and antiques. Surely, arouses your curiosity in tracing some historical backgrounds or maybe excavating some suspicious clues upon seeing those. On the left side, you can perceive an aquarium like a magical god box made of glass, cramming of displayed precious antique gold and silver coins and other ancient things.

Mrs. Clearwater stationed still in her wheelchair, pulling up the pictures of her daughter and husband. "Look! It's your mother when she’s twelve. She's wearing a white headband and a purple long dress. She's so cute... just like you, sweetheart?" Mrs. Clearwater illustrated as she pointing her hand at the album.

"Yeah, she’s beautiful granny. Who's this?" Elizabeth pointed at the album.

"Oh! That's your Auntie Shelley. She died in the car accident going to Lancaster when─ she tried to visit your parents five years ago." Mrs. Clearwater answered sadly.

"Is that true?" she startled.

"Yes sweetheart, the car─ his husband Johnny Couch bumped in a big truck and... they were dead on the spot. Have you not seen her before?" Mrs. Clearwater locked her eyes unto her.

"Yeah, or... maybe I just forgot her face."

A little moment later, Enrico appears from eavesdropping at the left corner window at ten o'clock from their position camouflaged by a red curtain. He throws a very intriguing question to Mrs. Clearwater that entertained her memory, which revives at that very moment.

"But Madam, may I ask? Mrs. Clearwater roused up her head unto him. “Who’s that man in the centre? I saw his big picture at the top of the corridor as well. And he's also there." said Enrico as he pointing the two large portraits in the centre of the room.

"Son, that's... Elizabeth's grandfather. He's the... the love of my life. He's John Nicholas Les Bon Clearwater. He's one of the famous captains of the English Army in Great Britain long years ago." she narrated.

"He's brilliant, Enrico! Remember, Mr. Filch? He saved him from the orphanage" Elizabeth grinned as Enrico nodded to her.

"Oh... I'm... so sorry Madam for being curios... I'm really─"

"No, its fine son... the unacceptable thing about is…? Mrs. Clearwater cleared her throat.

"Is what granny?" Elizabeth eyed to eye her.

"Because he... he was murdered." Mrs. Clearwater's eyes glistened as she fighting back her tears.

"But... why? You mean... isn't true that he's dead because of disease, but─ who murdered him? Why? What's the reason?" Elizabeth prevented her tears.

Afterwards, some footsteps echo towards their position on the right side two o'clock from their direction, and eventually stop at the edge of the sofa fronting at the window. He suddenly wails a dramatic tone of voice.

"Ahem... ahem... hmm, how's your─ soft operatic drama in here? Yes... lovely ─mother? “Mr. Finnegan cleared his throat.

"How─ dare you bloody half...?"Mrs. Clearwater clasped her long skirt.

"We will not stay longer here, mother. The CEO of Bushmen's company summoned my presence for a business trip to Barcelona. Now I just want to tell you that Elizabeth will go with me tomorrow morning!" he knitted his eyebrows as he focusing her sight unto her.

"But Papa" I just want to stay here for a few more days. Besides, we don't have a class for three consecutive days, remember? It’s a series of holidays─" Elizabeth opposed.

"Nope" You must go with me or else─”

"Rubbish! I hate you... papa. Please, if you're being so kind. Give me a chance to stay here for a few more days, it'll be ─appreciated." she requested.

"Ahem...yes sir please let her stay here for few more days, don't worry sir... I...'ll guard her as long as she stays─ please, sir." Enrico begged.

"GORDON-BENNETT! Shut up, Moron! You're bloody lunatic! You don't make decision!" he roared. His pitch amplified like the sound of an angry giant in the midst of an enchanted forest echoing and asking for an inordinate match.

Right after saying these words, the whole mansion is in trouble. For the third time, the ground wobbling and splintering a tremour amongst the entire mansion like a vicious circle that always happening every time whenever something terribly said or done. This phenomenon is like a loop of time that always occurs inevitably.

Leaking and cracking, the wall weakens. Trembling and waving, the cabinets and dividers moved. The other fragile things like windows and glasses shattering into pieces, cascading down unto the floor. The floor splintering enormously opened. Some specs of dust pouring out continually and the chandeliers and other hanging materials swinging back and forth. It shook extremely twice stronger than before, and the whole living and guest's room areas nearby both wobbling.

"Aha! I believed my power increasing more and more like a ground master."

"Have you gone mad─ monster?" Mrs. Clearwater screamed.

As Finnegan proclaims, the earthquake's magnitude ballooned tremendously. Meantime, Enrico secures Mrs. Clearwater and Elizabeth from their locations, but because of outbalancing, Mr. Finnegan collapses into ground shockingly like a victim of a natural calamity and petrifies for a few moments.

"Okay... okay! You stay, I'll go!" he yelled as he bursting into tears.

Right after he shouted those words. The earthquake stops faintly. Thence, Mr. Ferguson comes forth to check them up. The earthquake lasts for like a quarter of an hour, and perhaps some of them flabbergasted so candidly.

"You guys all right!" Mr. Ferguson concerned.

"NO" they replied.

Afterwards, Mr. Ferguson left unattended like a statue of liberty that boldly standing all alone in the room. A half-hour later, Mr. Finnegan disapparated with the absence of Elizabeth, but altered by Mr. Ferguson, who accompanied him for his journey back home to Lancaster. In juxtapose, after Elizabeth glimpse him at the window, she runs and loops her arms to her granny so tightly, like a victorious aftermath-hug from the great battle where she's the winner. Her embrace is like hot lava that seared beneath you once it touched your cold skin.

"Thank God he's gone!" Elizabeth overjoyed. Her joyous word sounded of triumphant. Her granny smiled back at her pompously wearing an anxious face. Yet, this glorious moment sojourned so hastily upon hearing another knock on the door.

"Madam, It's time for your medication" Mira pounded the door as she draping a platform in her right hand. Elizabeth sneaks towards the doorstep and pauses for a second. She unlocks the door and startles Mira's apparition. Their sights encounter and Elizabeth amuses her.

"Wow! Are you a nurse or─?" Elizabeth examined her.

"I am a servant ma'am," Mira responded politely.

"Oh, come in! Hand it over to me," she insisted.

"Oh... no, ma'am, this is my duty... please" Mira begged.

"Please let me do it then, it's just this time" Elizabeth begged once more.

"As you wish... ma'am" Mira smiled as she handed over the medication to Elizabeth. They walked towards Mrs. Clearwater's queen's bed and offered her daily medication.

"Please take your medicine now... granny" Elizabeth exalted.

This time, Elizabeth settles down cautiously and preparing the things needed for the regular medication of her granny ─namely a glass of water, tablets, pills, fumes, liquefy herbs in a vial. She substituted Mira for the meantime, because she pleaded it for real. Elizabeth requests her to tell the story behind her abode in the mansion. A darting glance of those events under their presence in a mansion a few years ago lingering in her mind whilst both of them sitting in their seats facing each other.

"It's the last days of my intern. I'm haunted by extreme anxiety for my plans. Where should I start my career? I asked myself whilst staring at my old uniform. I was thinking for my first career, where it could be landed?"

"And then?" how did you come up here?" Elizabeth tapped her hands as she continues to listen.

"As far as I remember─" (Mira's flashback thought three years ago). In a fraction of a second, she started of recalling her days when she’s still in her intern days together with her best friends Beatrice and Michelle.

"Beatrice! I have a question" Michelle tapped her lap whilst sitting next to her. "What's that Michelle?" she narrowed her eyes to her. "It's a fortnight left in our intern days. Where are you planning to practise our profession after this?" Michelle asked.

"You know what? Since we're in Michigan, I'd rather move to the nearest one. With your presence and with... oh ─by the way, where's she?" Beatrice purred whilst narrowing her sight to Mira heading towards them.

"Oh, there you are, Mira!" Michelle raised her sight unto her.

"What took you so long in the lab?" Beatrice bridged her eyebrows.

"I'm sorry Beatrice but─" Mira tried to explain, but she cut off by Michelle as she spotting a piece of small envelope in her left hand.

"Hang on! I have something for you, Mira." Michelle handed over a piece of envelop to her. "What is this... a letter?" Mira startled reaction as she held the letter for her right hand.

"Yes, this is for you─ I found it in the mailbox. Remember you used my address, right?" Michelle raised her right eyebrow.

"Oh, yeah, I'm sorry I forgot, but a letter from whom and why?"

"We don't know, better read it before... it's too late" Beatrice interrupted her as her face turned into blue.

Elizabeth listens fastidiously to her story and showcases sympathy about her tragic past that piercing her heart in remembrance of those sorrowful days she's been through. "Afterwards what happened?" Elizabeth interrogated. "As I've read the letter from my aunt, she summoned me here as Mrs. Clearwater her childhood best friend request. In return for her kindness and generosity, I accepted willingly her offer without further hesitation. In exchange for my profound decision, I've deserted my trusting, real and kind-hearted friends." Mira's eyes glistened as she preventing her tears to come. She fetches the letter from Mrs. Clearwater's drawer in her bedroom and hands it over to Elizabeth. It took a few seconds before she surrenders the letter to her. She grasps it. And letter marked oddly by red thumb mark in the cover like a stain of blood.

February 13, 1972

Dear Mira,

First, I would like to ask your state about how you're doing. What do you do for now? It's been a while since we heard no words from you. I and your uncle Joe waiting for your return. We're missing you so badly, sweetheart.

How I wish I could visit there to ask help from our relatives to help your return right here, soonest. However, I can't afford to leave your mother who's duly ill and weaken. She requested me to let you know about her condition will be severe.

At the end of your internship, we're waiting for your upcoming. Please make haste; we all missed you so badly.


Aunt Molly Yvonne Chestnut

P.S. Make haste!!!(Thumb mark with blood)

After reading aloud the letter, Elizabeth follows up a question about she discovers from Mira's letter. "I'm sorry to hear that─ how’s your mother?" Elizabeth added her sympathy once more and rubbing her right hand to Mira's left shoulder.

"Mrs. Clearwater sponsored her surgery, and because her body was too weak. She can't take any further extreme medication anymore. Her diagnosis included nervous breakdown and severe tonsillitis, which led to severe complications. I just saw her missing me. She craved for my presence. She's choking to death and fighting for my precious presence, I did not save her at all. My mum─" she once again reminisced about their few talks that made her bursts into tears.

"Mum! I'm so... sorry. Please forgive." Mira kneeled before her mother, who lied down in her bed.

"It's okay, sweetheart... I'm so glad... to see... you." Amanda responded whisperingly.

"Hang on, Mum, you'll be all right soon." She clasped her hands.

"Yes... I will, sweetie. My friend... Dr. Margarette Rogue scheduled my surgery...I will..."

"Yes, mum... you should I swear I'll take care of you..." Mira lowered her face as she bursting into tears. Mira's tears spouted from her eyes like a gush of the fountain and it flowing down into cheeks.

"But what happened to her? Is she not cured? Mira, what’s the finding?" Elizabeth asked her consecutively.

"She's cured temporarily, but after sixteenth months from her surgery, she suddenly felt dizziness whilst stepping down slowly downstairs. She fainted and fell, rolling at the staircase. Immediately, we rushed her to hospital, and the doctor checked her and found out that there's a severe blood clot in her lower cerebrum near to the medulla oblongata. If she recovered she might be lame and disabled, but the heaven coveted her from me." Mira concluded her statement.

"I'm so... sorry for your loss. I'm sure she's glorious and proud of you. I know she's at peace right now watching over you." Despite the massive struggles she's been through, still, Mira's determination and courage solidly firmed throughout her life. Mrs. Clearwater suddenly awakens and heeds their conversation unintentionally interrupted the dramatic scene.

"Do you regret your presence here, ─ sweetheart?" Mrs. Clearwater interrupted.

"Oh, no... Madam... I swear none at all." She swayed her head.

"I think you should have some rest, Mira. I understand…my dear." Elizabeth assured.

"Yes, you can... sweetheart, in your absence; my granddaughter will take care of my day-to-day necessities. I can ask for help to others if she would demand it." Mrs. Clearwater agreed.

"Seriously ma'am....? But why?" she startled.

"As far... as I remember, tomorrow will be her death anniversary─ my beloved childhood friend Amanda Conrad Hutchins. I'm missing her so much. She's a kind-hearted and generous friend. I still recall those old days when she introduced herself and we became genuine friends." Mrs. Clearwater narrated.

"Yeah, she told me that..." she nodded as she wiping out her eyes.

"I still recall when we're─ cutting classes just to visit their farm divided into orchards, fruit trees, and gardens. Thenceforth, her mother discovered us whilst we're eating an apple at the apple tree branches." Mrs. Clearwater grinned as her tears spouting.

Mrs. Clearwater commemorated those fresh memories of their childhood days. It made them all eventually interfered by gushing and overflowing fountain of tears from each one of them.

"I'm sorry, madam if I let you cry" Mira regretted.

"It's fine... you may take a break for now. I'll have Elizabeth with me..." she insisted.

"Thank you very much─ ma'am, I'll promise I'll be back soon." She assured.

"Very well, please send my regards to your aunt Molly; please tell her... I would appreciate her visit as soonest?" she asked.

"Yes madam, but she's quite weaker now. I would send your greetings eagerly to her madam."

"If you please"

"I surely will ma'am"

"Thank you very much, Mira. In a fortnight, you can come back if you may."

"Yes Madam, I will." She nodded. Mrs. Clearwater requests her to come and Mira exchanges their hugs o each other.

"Oh, I'm jealous now, ha-ha...," Elizabeth chuckled with little tears from her eyes.

The entire room canopied with unstoppable laughter like a sizzling moment of jubilee after a war blended in the everlasting fountain of tears of joy and sorrow. A fraction of second slipped away, the door pounded once more and captured their attention. Elizabeth sneaks at the door, and her dexterity of realisation enlightens her. It seems they almost forgot their lunch. Elizabeth unlocks the door and envisions Misila standing next to her.

"Is it about lunch or─ food, maybe?" Elizabeth examined her face as she croaking the door.

"Yes Ma'am, please join the table." Misila nodded. Elizabeth twisted her head towards them and announced. "Oh sure give us a moment. My beloved, our lunch is ready, shall we?"