Welcome to Ashenvale, whereby Eldron come from an originated. Long years ago, this kingdom forged and built under king Elach and her wife Queen Kethonia. Eldron’s father demands his son to become a warrior but his interest fall into Alchemy and magic, he becomes the head Ashenvale’s elven wizardry. His expertise focuses in controlling water element for any various uses depends on the circumstances. After Khalil lost for how many years in Ashenvale Eldron replaced him and become the leader of the Ashenvale’s elven wizards.
“Let’s make haste! This is our chance to escape the centaurs─ enslaved me for long years” Khalil persuades Eldron as they walk hurriedly.
“I think they are good beings too! Except those I’ve seen like a face of a bull and boar, they look like vile creatures.” Eldron suggests.
“Truly─ indeed! Drhuk-thul is a good one. They enslaved us but we such consideration and a little respect but his allies they are fools and mongrels of heartless beings!”