Chapter Forty-Two: Treaty of Blood Compact

Ahraman the great wizard of the woods mediates the treaty of the Blood Compact. This treaty participated by Drhuk-thul as the war-chief of Ashvin Sveit and Grad’ur Sveit. These clans now under the power of this war-chief vested and authorised by him. Shabas becomes the war-chief of D’yr Sveit and dominates a term sharing to Drhuk-thul as a support for the re-establishing of their clan.

Khalil becomes the ambassador of the Ashvirim society to Ashenvale and to the other kingdoms. He’s also the head of “Ashenvalenirim” wizardry society a combine name of Ashenvale and Ashvinirim for more advancing and blended society of magic. This society aims to train both elvens and centaurs for honing their skills in magic.