Neun. Neuf. Nine. Nueve.

I closed my eyes, as I sat further into the seat next to Caleb’s bed. Almost a week has gone by, and there doesn’t seem to be any changes, nor any sign of Caleb opening his eyes again to meet us. Even against Collin’s voice, Blaze and I had requested the security videos of the ranks, and it had seemed that there was some sort fo a fight, but I couldn’t really pinpoint who was the one that was fighting Caleb. Now, I only have to find out who did it.

“Esther,” Blaze's voice brought me back from my thoughts. “Love,” He chuckled.

“Yeah?” I whispered as I opened my eyes, only to stare at Blaze smiling down at me.

“Let’s get you cleaned up okay?” Blaze spoke and I grunted. “Your father is coming in a few hours, and I highly doubt that you want him to see you like this. I love you, but, you need to take a bath.”

I tried to chuckle but failed. I was exhausted. “Who’s here? Collin or Mama George?” I questioned.