Keith Says So

George Keith Albertson, has been a single father for years. To remarry is one idea that he never entertained, because he believed that he has married the perfect woman and that no one else will equate to her. His wife, Allana was one of the most beautiful celebrities in North America when they met. Everything seemed perfect, until they found out that she had developed a brain tumour, which was triggered by a crime in her early teenage years. Keith always told his son that he wants someone like Allana to be the future wife of Jonathan. Jon certainly dated a lot of women, American, European, Asian, none of them passed his father's taste though, except for one. Vivian Desmonde, daughter of jewellery maker and businessman Sergius Desmonde has always been pleasing to him. He wanted Jon to propose to her, he says she is good for both the family's reputation, and the business. Keith was the first who went unhappy when Jon broke up with Vivian. Today was nothing different. He, once again, did not like the idea of his son coming to a village to visit a young lady who happened to be one of their staff. After he hung up the phone, Keith browsed a few files on his desk, while drinking an expensive brand of red wine. The first one was the curriculum vitae that was submitted by Cathy, together with an application letter. Another was an up to date employment record, which includes her job title, description and salary rates. He was also made aware of the police chief in New York that Jon has actually sent a few of their men to prioritize the case of Jennifer Mills, some to look after her in the hospital and a few to assure the younger Mills' safety while she is at home. "He never exerted such an effort for anyone," he said to himself, thinking about what Jon had done to make sure that Cathy and her family's well being was taken care of. Looking closely at her photo, he murmured, "This girl is undeniably beautiful, but she is what she is."

He dismissed the files, made a call to a man and said to him, "Henry, make sure to offer Catherine Mills what she needs exactly at this point. Money is necessary for her to solve her issues, I won't allow my son to be dragged in it." The man on the other line replied, "but sir", he objected. "She could only be one of his flings, I honestly would not think it is anything serious." Keith was very firm and said, "Before it turns into something more than a fling, we have to act on it. Find ways on how it would not grow into so much more." "However, your son will surely not like it. What if he asks for an explanation?" he sounds worried. "If he gets mad and asks you," Keith paused and took a sip of red wine, then continued, "Tell him it's because Keith says so." The man answered, "All right sir, will get on with it." Keith put the phone down and finished his wine then smiled wickedly.