Chapter 14: Dracula

"Hurry, hurry!" She giggled as she pulled him by the hand. She seems very excited that he just can't shake it off.

They continued going upstairs, not even letting go of each other's hands. Then, she opened the door and the strong cool breeze of wind passed them by.

"It's here!" She said.

The lad sighed and rubbed his nape, "What is it that you wanted to show me?"

The top floor seems empty, what could she possibly want to show him here? She said it's the most beautiful thing she has ever seen.

Then, she suddenly grabbed his cheeks and made him look at her gorgeous face.

"I'm not talking about that..." She pouted, which is the cutest expression he has ever seen.

"I meant, this!" She turned his head up and pointed at the billions of twinkling stars in the sky.

Back then, he used to say 'They're just stars'. But tonight, why do they look different from before?

Why did he just notice how beautiful they are? Maybe because... he didn't pay much attention to the small things around him. Now that she's here, he has learned to appreciate those little things.

"Breathtaking, isn't it?" She smiled at him. The most charming smile he has seen in his entire life.

He looked away, "Y-you called me here just to show me this?"

"Well... you seem so down since yesterday, so..." She fidgets with her fingers, "I've heard from the news that the stars will be beautiful tonight so, I thought this will cheer you up." She bashfully said with a blushing face.

It was far too adorable! He can't take his eyes off of her.

Then, the wind started blowing again.

"Astrid..." He softly called.

He brushed the strands of her white hair off her face and tucked them behind her ear.

Her emerald green eyes stared at him that he can almost see his reflection on it. He cupped her cheek, not even taking his eyes away from her. Seems like he's been bewitched once again by her personality.

"Thank you..." He said which almost like a whisper as he slowly leaned his face forward.

And their lips are now an inch away...

The priest was awaken by a dream of his precious memory. He didn't realize he fell asleep on his seat. Good thing it's still early and no one's here yet.

"Oh, right! I should visit them!" He mumbled as he was reminded of what he's going to do.

He went at the back stage where there are two dressing rooms: one for girls and one for boys.

"Father Stephen!" Yana saw the priest when she opened the door.

"Miss Yana! You look so beautiful!" He complimented with a smile.

The lass blushed, "T-thank you, father!"

"Is that you, father Stephen?" A voice said. When the priest turned around, they saw a gentleman with a black hair who looks like--

"R-Rae? Is that you!?" Yana said in surprise.

"Oh dear, what happened to your hair?" The priest asked.

The lad chuckled, "Don't worry, it's a water-based hair color. It will eventually come off when I wash it."

For a moment, she was stunned. This is the first time he has seen Rae in black-colored hair. He looks different, yet... Why does he look even more handsome?

'So this is... what he looks like if he's human...' She thought as her heart skipped a beat.

"What brings you here, father?" Asked the lad.

"I'm here to wish you luck. May God bless your performance." He smiled gently.

"Thank you, father." They said in unison.

"I should head back now." He waved goodbye before returning to his seat.

"Father Stephen's encouragement lessened my worries." Yana sighed in relief.

Suddenly, Ella came rushing towards the door.

"Guys! I've got big news!"

Everyone gathered to listen to her.

"Mr. Claudius, a veteran theater actor is here as our guest!" She squealed for joy, "I heard that he loves the novel Dracula that's why he's interested in our play!" She added.

Rae noticed the discomfort on Yana's face.

"What's wrong?"

"W-well... I'm glad that we have a big time guest but.. It makes me a bit nervous. What if I messed up?" She sighed.

"Don't worry, you won't mess up. We've worked so hard on this." Rae smiled reassuringly that made her calm.

"Guys! There's trouble!" The class president said while holding her phone.

"Jacob said he can't make it! He has high fever!" She announced which made everyone panicked, and Yana is of no exception.

"Isn't he our Dracula?"

"Who will take his role?"

"We only have less than 30 minutes before the play starts!"

"What's happening here?" The principal arrived with a gentleman behind him.

The students explained the cause of their trouble and they were filled with hopelessness.

"Mr. Principal, if I may..." Said the gentleman.

"But, Mr. Claudius, you're our guest here!"

"As a theater actor, I can't simply allow a precious play to go to waste. Please allow me to help them."

The principal sighed in defeat.

"Alright, class, Mr. Claudius, our guest, will take Dracula's role in your play. Make sure to thank him."

The students were amazed that someone as popular as him will join their play as substitute. They felt honored and excited, their hope has come to life again.

"Are you the one portraying to be Wihelmina Murray?" Claudius asked as he went closer to Yana.

She was awestruck. Even this gentleman has long indigo hair, fair white skin, long lashes, amber eyes, long pointed nose, and pinkish lips--he looks so handsome like the prince in a fairy tale.

She was speechless that all she could do is nod as a response.

"Well then, I'm looking forward to work with you." He said in a gentle voice and kissed her hand.

Everyone was surprised including Rae, who has noticed something strange.

'This man is...'

"I should change then. I'll entrust myself to the make up artists." He smiled which made their classmates blush.

They took Claudius in a different room as everyone prepared for the last retouch.

"Yana, there's something I need to tell you." Rae approached the lass.

"Yana, we need to fix your hair." Ella called.

The lass turned to Rae, "Maybe later, okay?" She smiled and left.

"I need to protect her from that vampire..." He mumbled as he clenched his fist.

People started to come in the Audio-Visual room where the play takes place. On the line where their tickets will be collected, Calcifer and Rin can be found.

"Sir Cal, could you please loosen up that serious looking face? You scare most humans here." Rin whispered.

The gentleman flicked his tongue, "The sun is too bright that it irritates me."

Rin sighed, "Well, whatever. You're still scary either way."

"Are you saying something?"

"Oh no, no! I'm just saying, if the sun bothers you that much, why did you want to watch so bad?" She made an awkward laugh.

"This is the young master's first ever role play performance. I shouldn't miss it."

'Why does he suddenly sound like a supportive dad just now?' Rin thought.

Truth be told, she just got lucky to be chosen to come with Calcifer. They were delighted when they've learned about the young master's performance. As much as they all wanted to go, Calcifer can only bring one with him. To be fair, they draw lots and fortunately, she became the chosen one.

"I must be lucky." She chuckled just by thinking about it. Then, she happened to bumped on someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" She bowed apologetically.

"It's no big deal." A gentleman with a pale blond hair wearing eye glasses said with a smile.

Rin noticed what he's holding on his hand.

"Is that... a video camera?" She pointed.

"Oh yes. I'm a fan of theater plays so I want to film it." He replied.

Rin was about to say more when Calcifer called for her.

"Oops! Sorry, I gotta go! See you when I see you, mister!" She waved goodbye before entering the venue.

The gentleman waved his hand as well, "What a cheerful vampire." Damien chuckled.

Soon, the lights went out, the curtain began to unfurl. The first scenes began to play.

"Have you ever married, count?" Rae asked, playing as Jonathan.

"I was... once... but she died..."

People were amazed how they portray the characters. Not only that, Rae, who's never experienced any acting performance, delivered his lines and role so casually that it feels like he's Jonathan himself.

"You're truly splendid, young master..."

Rin heard Calcifer said those words in a whisper. If she didn't know better, she wouldn't notice how he's crying delightfully deep inside.

'What a doting foster father...' She thought.

Next, it was the scene where Mina visited her friend, Lucy.

"Oh I hope you're doing fine.." Yana said as she placed the roses on the vase.

She soon realized that they're real roses when her finger pricked on the thorn.

'Why did they change it to real ones?' She said to herself and hid her bleeding finger.

The play was simultaneous that she didn't have time to tell the others about her wound. She doesn't even want to bother them.

The next scene is where the male and female lead got married. This is the most awkward and nervy part for Yana.

Her heart won't stop beating so loud and so fast. Why is she ever feeling this way? Is it because she's too nervous? Is it because there are a lot of people watching them? Or is it because...

"Yana, you okay?" Rae whispered.

"I-I guess?" She sighed.

Noticing how anxious she is, he gently squeezed her hand as if telling her everything's going to be alright.

Yana felt how much Rae tried to comfort her. And she shouldn't let it go to waste.

"You may now kiss the bride."

They looked at each other. Rae removed her veil.

Yana can hear nothing but the heavy sound of her beating heart as the lad cupped her cheeks.

Calcifer almost rose from his seat if it wasn't for Rin.

"Why are you stopping me!? I can't allow this indecent act to happen!" He whispered in gritted teeth.

"Sir Cal, it's just a play! Nothing bad will happen to the young master. I swear!" She whispered back, not letting go of Calcifer's arm.

Rae slowly leaned forward, "Just trust me." He smiled at the lass which made her calm down and closed her eyes.

"I won't kiss you..." He mumbled and moved their heads on an angle where people might think he actually kissed her.

"See? It's just fake." Rin whispered and finally, Calcifer has calmed down.

After several scenes, they've finally reached the climax of the story.

"We're near the end. Yana, it's your turn!" Ella reminded her backstage.

It was the scene where Dracula visited Mina in her sleep.

Yana laid down to bed and closed her eyes.

Suddenly, chills ran down her spine. She shot her eyes open and saw that Claudius is already on top of her.

"I've come... for you." He said in a seductive voice and held her hand.

All of a sudden, she withdrew her hand as if her instincts told her so.

For instant, she knew, those fangs he's showing are no longer fake.

Claudius snickered, "Interesting... so you already know..."

Yana slowly moved backwards but he suddenly grabbed her hand where her finger bleeds.

"L-let go!" She tried to pull her hand away but he's too strong.

"It's your fault anyway for attracting me with this..." Claudius licked the blood on her finger.

Rae stepped on the stage even it's not yet his time.

"Hands off!" He said, glaring at Claudius.

"Oh my, oh my. Do you want to join us, Mr. Harker?"

Rae clenched his fist, a new feeling of heat is arising within him. Seeing Claudius drink his friend's blood makes his blood boil.

And seeing the fear on her face makes him want to punch Claudius's face for making her feel like that.

"I said..." His hair suddenly grow longer and turned bloody red even covered in black dye.

"Let her go!" His eyes turned bright red which made everyone, including Cal and father Stephen surprised.

"Looks like this isn't included in the script anymore." The priest mumbled and held his golden cross.

"Rin, get ready to put everyone to sleep." Calcifer commanded.

Rin nodded, "Roger that!" She saluted.

"Ella, should we stop them? They're going beyond the script!" The president said in backstage.

Ella hushed, "Wait! Don't do it! Look at the audience, they seem interested." She said.

Claudius smirked, "So it's confirmed. You're the son of the vampire queen."

"Tch! Whatever. Who are you anyway?"

"Oh dear, my apologies. How rude of me forgetting to introduce myself."

Claudius smirked, showing off his fangs.

"I am... Claudius Tepes Alucard, the second prince, son of King Alucard!"

Upon hearing the name, Calcifer was stunned.

"Did he say... Alucard?"

Memories from the past suddenly haunt him. The war. Their king's corpse. The bloody night. And most importantly, the heartbreaking wail of the queen, suffering because of that name.

"So they have come..." He mumbled as his hands began to smolder.

'I won't let them, take the young master!' He glared as his eyes started to burn in anger.


Authors Note:

*Just a friendly warning, if you're below 18 years old, please don't read nor watch Dracula by Bram Stoker. It contains violence, nudity, dark themes, etc. Please don't ignore, it's for your safety. Thanks!