Who Are You

“This is going to be a really long flight,” I mentally groan,

it’s just me, the pilot, co-pilot, Stiliyan and John.

It’s been four hours since the jet took off and I have not seen Stiliyan, the jet is really massive so he is probably in one of the rooms,

I get I delayed the contract but isn’t this a bit too much!, not even a simple hello or something, why the hell am I bothered anyways, the more space the better, I scoff, I look to the far end of my right and see John fast asleep.

My legs starts to feel cramped, although I could press the button that changes the my seat into a bed like structure I just needed to walk a little bit, so I take a walk around the jet, I begin opening doors to see the rooms, and they looked really nice, I get to the last room and I notice this is the only room that has its door shut,

“Stiliyan should probably be in this room,” I say to myself,

I get curious and as to what the green eye boy might be up to, so I lean into the door, pressing my ears to the door to listen, I am still keeping my distance by the way, I am just a little curious, I mean, the boy has been locked in for hours, I hear nothing, he is probably sleeping I thought to myself, I am about leaving when the door suddenly opens and I almost trip over, I look up and see a very unpleasant Stiliyan,

“What do you think you are doing? I’m definitely sure this is not part of your assessment Ma’am!” he says to me looking really irritated, once again he renders me speechless, I mean what kind of accent is this and why does he have such raspy sexy morning manly voice every time, and why the hell is he calling me “ma’am” I’m no “ma’am” to him, after a few seconds I finally manage to find my voice,

“First of all “boy!, I’m no ma’am, It's just Catalina, or Miss Catalina, I was just passing by, take a chill pill boy,

I am having a tour of your jet, my legs were getting a little cramped, got a problem with that?”

“whatever, just do your thing and try not to interfere with my personal business ‘ma’am’,” he says, as he walked past me, but stops and turns around,

“oh, and that room is occupied, please do stay away, we won’t need to be in contact while we are in Bulgaria, John would give you my secretary’s number ‘Nina’, any questions or anything you might need in regards to my company, I’m certain Nina is more than capable in providing answers,” then he turns around in an attempt to walk out, but I was not having any of that right now,

“Hold on boy!” he stops in his tracks, he turns to face me, looking really impatient and clearly not finding his new nickname funny, I mean he started it,

“Do you have a problem with me?, I mean, this whole attitude is really unnecessary, I get this is just business but can you be a little welcoming,” I have no idea what pissed him off with what I just said but he looked really angry as he walked up to me standing really close with his height towering over me,

“Did you just say welcoming?, do I have to remind you why you are here in the first place?, a deal was about to be signed, but you just had to open your sad little over privileged mouth and blabber nonsense about observation, I don’t see that big fat diamond ring on your finger, I guess being engaged is not that exciting, since you are running away with a pathetic excuse of a business trip a month before your marriage, ma’am!”

At that moment I catch a little bit of guilt in his eyes but it is quickly masked with anger but I am too hurt to care at this moment.

In all my 25 years on earth I know I have had my fair share of embarrassment and little insults, mostly from the Montero’s or from fashion bloggers making rude remarks about my choice of outfit but never have I ever felt this verbally hurt before, because what he just said to me is undeniably true and most of all it came from ‘HIM’.

“How dare you!!! How fucking dare you, you stupid child! , what the hell do you know? You are just a kid!” I say to him while poking his chest with my finger, tears threatening to fall from my eyes then i immediately stop and take a deep breath, trying to regain my composure,

“well, you are entitled to your opinion but I would appreciate it if you keep it to yourself from now on as I see there is no use trying to be friends with a silly child,

You know, I’ve got a question for you boy! How does a kid who became an orphan at the age of seven start a big company such as yours at the age of eighteen, with no college or high school degree? , and please don’t give me that bullshit that is on the internet about you having an uncle who made it all possible, you and I know there is no uncle and the only person close enough to be your family is John”.