Chapter 3

Kevin felt like someone had just landed a thousand blows to his heart. He had never told her about killing Billy. He had been acquitted as it was self-defense. But Jesse had always promised to get him when he least expected it. He had thought he had given up when he had moved away. He had been wrong.

"So, you haven't even told your precious woman who you really are? She doesn't know you're a murderer, does she?"

"I'm sorry, baby. I moved and thought that had been left in the past. I'm not a murderer. Jesse's brother was psychotic and wouldn't leave his ex-girlfriend alone. I wound up meeting her one night at a bar. Billy didn't like that I was spending time with her. I tried to walk away but he followed me to the parking lot. The psycho pulled a knife on me. I wound up turning it on him and he died. I was acquitted."

"My brother wasn't psychotic. You were messing with his woman!" Jesse yelled.

"A woman who clearly didn't want him," Kevin spat back.

Jesse punched Kevin. Renee tried to shove Jesse with her shoulder but he just slapped her. She fell back and hit the floor. She had no way to brace herself as her hands were tied. She twisted so she hit her side. Her head hit the floor and she was seeing stars.

She felt herself being dragged across the floor. Renee tried digging her nails into the floor but all it did was make them bleed. She started to cry as it hurt like hell. She felt dizzy as he flipped her on to her back. Her hands were pinned under her and she felt the blood from her broken nails on her back.

She pulled her legs up so she could kick Jesse. He moved to the side and grabbed her ankles, pulling them down. He laid on top of her. She knew what he was going to do as soon as his hand reached in between them. She heard him unzip his pants. She began to struggle but he was too heavy and she couldn't get any leverage with her hands pinned under her.

"I like it when you struggle," he said, his hot breath in her face.

She felt him pressing against her and she screamed in his face as she head-butted him. That just made her dizzier and him angry.

"You'll pay for that, bitch."

"Leave her alone!" Kevin yelled. "It's me you want to hurt. Not her."

"But this will hurt you and I don't like men," he laughed.

He pushed himself inside of Renee and she bit her lip until she drew blood again trying not to scream. She turned her head and saw Kevin struggling against the ropes tying him to the chair. He was screaming obscenities at Jesse and threatening to kill him.

Jesse didn't slack up but instead laughed at the pain and anger he saw on Kevin's face. Kevin wound up toppling the chair over and couldn't get himself back up. He was trying to use his toes and the side of his arm to push himself but he wasn't getting very far.

Renee couldn't stop herself from crying but she would be damned if she gave him the satisfaction of screaming from the pain she felt at him ripping her apart. She grew tired from crying and where her head had been hit so much. The last sound she heard was him groaning in her ear as he came inside her. She wanted to die.

Kevin kept struggling to get to Renee. He felt helpless. He couldn't even protect the love of his life from this monster. She kept looking at him through her tears, her eyes pleading for him to help her. He was moving himself a little bit but it wasn't enough. When she passed out, he was thankful because at least she wasn't experiencing what he was doing anymore.

"I like her. She doesn't scream but she still struggles," Jesse said.

"You bastard! I will make you pay for this. I've seen you so it's not like you can deny it's you." Kevin said, seething with anger.

"To what crime? I think your girl is coming with me. She won't be saying anything. And it'll torture you even more knowing I have her and doing who knows what with her," Jesse said as he smiled.

"No!" Kevin yelled as Jesse picked Renee up and slung her over his shoulder.

He heard some rustling throughout the house. Then he heard the door open and shut. He kept pushing himself and it took hours but he finally got to the wall with the phone on it. He kept trying to rock himself and he finally got to his knees.

He threw himself backwards on to the floor and he felt the chair crack. A few more hours and he'd finally broken it enough to get his hands loose. He pushed himself on to his side and got on to his knees. He scooted himself over to a counter and awkwardly pushed himself into a doubled over position.

Knocking the phone off with his chin, he sat back on the floor and felt for the numbers. He dialed 911. He gave them all the information they asked for and just sat there, feeling defeated.

He hadn't been able to help the love of his life when she had needed it the most. What kind of man was he? When the police came, they cut the ropes from around him. They questioned him about what had happened. He was getting irritated because they weren't looking for Renee. Jesse could have killed her by now for all he knew. The police had roped off the crime scene and were taking pictures and evidence while all he could do was sit there and wonder what was happening to Renee.

Jesse picked the girl up off the floor and took her in the living room. She had passed out. He grabbed the shirt that was laying on the floor. He'd see if he could find a skirt to pull over the ropes. He put the shirt over her head and pulled it down. He wasn't too worried about Kevin getting to him anytime soon so he could take his time.

He went through the house looking for anything valuable and took it. He was just going to kill the girl but he figured it would hurt that jackass more for him to take her. He'd keep her and he could fuck her anytime he wanted. So, he was going to take some of her things and head back to his place. They'd have to go on the run. He needed his stuff for that.

Once he had everything he was going to take stuffed into some pillowcases, he went back downstairs. He heard Kevin yelling and cussing. A sick smile curved his lips. He threw the girl over his shoulder and left. Hell, this wasn't his first rodeo with the police. He knew how to hide.

He got to his apartment and left the girl in his trunk. He had put duct tape over her mouth. He lived in a part of town where people didn't see or hear anything when the police came knocking. He gathered up everything he could carry and threw it in the backseat. He went to his bank and emptied his account. He had been saving up for a while to run because he had been planning on killing that bastard.

He drove for hours, and every once in a while he would take a break to run in a store. He had to ditch this car. He'd need to get some fake identification for the woman in the trunk. He already had his, right down to a birth certificate. At one point, he pulled over on a deserted road to get her out of the trunk. He had heard her start kicking the trunk.

She'd tried to run but he'd overpowered her and she couldn't do much with her ankles still tied. He put her in the passenger seat and threatened to kill her if she tried anything. She had finally settled down but she kept crying, which was getting on his nerves.

Once they had left the state, he rented a hotel room with his fake id and went back to the car. He told her if she didn't keep quiet that he would kill her and go back for Kevin. She was to do everything he said from then on. She simply nodded. He untied her hands and loosened the rope around her ankles. When he took the duct tape off her mouth, she spit on him. He slapped her.

Her head was reeling after he slapped her. She tasted blood. He yanked her out of the car and into the room. She had to use the bathroom but she didn't want to say anything for fear he would hit her again.

"I'm going to let you get cleaned up. I'm right outside the door so don't think of doing anything stupid, okay?"

Renee nodded. Jesse sat her on the bed and took the rope off of her ankles and then stood up. He watched her for a minute to make sure she wasn't going to try anything. She looked at her ankles and saw the blood on them where she had struggled against the rope. She slowly stood up and walked over to the bathroom. She tried to close the door but Jesse shook his head.

"At least give me a little privacy to go to the bathroom. Where am I going to go?" Renee queried.

"Leave it open just a crack then. Just enough so I know you aren't trying anything stupid."

"Like what? What am I going to do besides try to kill myself? You only took me to upset Kevin. And you've threatened several times to kill me. So, what difference would it make if I did kill myself? You'd be rid of me and you could run without a burden."

"Nah. Then they'd find you and Kevin wouldn't suffer anymore not knowing what happened to you."

"Then dump my body somewhere they won't find it. It's better than being with you," Renee spat.

"I like you. You're spunky. I think I'm going to keep you for a while first. Now go take a shower." Jesse said as he took his shoes off and sat back on the bed.

Renee had to figure out a way to get out of this. She went and got in the shower. She turned the water to the highest level of heat she could stand. She slumped onto the floor of the bathtub, letting the hot water hit her as she cried. Her body was bruised and her lower half was hurting from the assault. She saw blood running down the drain from in between her thighs. She couldn't live like this.

Why was he keeping her? Was he just going to continue to beat on her and rape her everyday? He couldn't keep her tied up all the time so how would he stop her from trying to run or scream? If she went docile, would he let her go then? Apparently, her being her usual self was something he liked.