Chapter 19

He went back up to the party and everyone had gathered to watch Christian blow out his candle. Renee had him in her lap and blew out his little candle after everyone had sung Happy Birthday to him. Jesse watched her as she unwrapped Christian's gifts for him and let him see them all. He noticed that Patrick was standing closer to her now. He didn't really know Patrick as he was married to one of the women that were in Renee's group, but he was damn sure going to find out about him.

Throughout the remainder of the party, Jesse watched Patrick as he touched Renee here and there. She would always pull back from him and smile politely, but she didn't look comfortable. She hadn't said anything to him about it, though. Once the party was over, and everyone had packed up, Renee put Christian in his car seat and started heading to the car.

She put Christian in the car and walked over to the driver's side. Jesse moved towards her, but she didn't budge. She held out her hand and he just looked at her.

"Keys, please. You have had way too much to drink," Renee said.

"I'm fine to drive. I'm not drunk."

"I'm not letting you drive me and Christian with that much alcohol in your system. If you want to possibly kill yourself, then so be it, but you won't take us with you."

Jesse stepped forward and pressed against her so her body was pushed back into the car. He was trying to intimidate her, but she wasn't having it. She stood her ground and he saw defiance in her eyes. What had made her so bold all of a sudden? Had she planned an escape with Patrick so she thought she could do whatever she wanted now?

"Either get out of the way or I will move you out of the way."

"Then move me out of the way. And you had better make sure I'm dead when you're done because you are not driving off with my son in the car," Renee said, pushing her body back into his.

"You're awfully bold all of a sudden. You planning something behind my back?" Jesse asked.

Renee looked confused as she said, "What?"

"You heard me. You can tell me now or later, but if I find out about it later, there are going to be consequences," Jesse threatened.

He watched as fear flashed across her eyes. The alcohol he had consumed and his anger from seeing her with Patrick were hitting him. He smiled as he saw the fear. He knew better than to drink this much because of his temper, but he had been letting himself wallow in self-pity because of what had happened at the house. And the fact that Renee had ignored him the whole party when he had set this up for her to be able to socialize.

"There is nothing for you to find out," Renee said as she stood straight.

He watched the flash of fear turn into anger and then hatred. In one night, he had managed to ruin any progress he had made with her. He smashed his fist into the car right beside her and Renee jumped. She hated that she jumped every time he did something like this. She didn't know what had set him off all of a sudden, but she didn't like it one bit.

"Please, just give me the keys. Let me drive us home so that we all get there in one piece, okay?"

"Aw, you worried about my safety now?"

"You want me to lie or tell you the truth?" Renee asked, the look in her eyes now cold.

"Neither one. I already know you hate me," Jesse said as he handed her the keys.

Jesse had to give her directions back to the house as she had never driven there or anywhere in this town. Once they were at the house, she took Christian into his room and tucked him away for the night. When she came into the bedroom, Jesse was sitting on the bed waiting for her. He stood up and walked over to the door, closing it. He turned towards her and she backed up as she saw the look on his face. He grabbed her and yanked her against him.

"Jesse, you're drunk. Let's just go to sleep and discuss whatever is bothering you tomorrow."

"Oh, no. You got me all hot and bothered earlier and decided to take off on me. You ignored me all night long when I planned this whole thing for you to be able to hang out with people and socialize. Then, you decided to get snappy with me. And you are going to tell me about what I saw earlier one way or another," Jesse said as he started yanking her clothes off.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Renee said as he pushed her onto the bed.

"Oh, I think you do," Jesse said as he undressed and laid on top of her.

"You're drunk. Please, don't do this."

Jesse started kissing on her and touching her body. She wasn't into it and he knew it. His touch started getting rougher and started to hurt a little bit. She just laid there and tried not to tense up which would make this worse.

"Guess I'm not doing it for you now. Does Patrick do it for you? Does he touch you like this?" Jesse said as he started touching her again.

"Or kiss you like this?" he said as he kissed her neck and made his way down to her breast and bit it.

"I haven't done anything with Patrick," Renee said as the pain hit her from his bite.

"Don't lie to me!" Jesse yelled as he took her.

Renee cried out in pain and yelled, "I'm not lying to you!"

Jesse was too far gone in his anger. He punished her body with his own. The more he thought about Patrick touching her, the angrier he got. She was lying to him and he knew it.

"I saw you two together! I saw how he touched you. You are mine. I will kill him before he touches you again," Jesse sneered as he moved faster and harder than before.

"Please, stop! I haven't done anything with Patrick. I don't like him and don't want anything to do with him. He asked about us switching with him and Rebecca and I told him no!" Renee cried.

But, Jesse was no longer listening. The alcohol and his rage had taken over. He went into a blackout rage thinking about Renee being with Patrick. He no longer heard her cries or what she was saying. He took what he wanted until he finished. Then, he rolled off of her and she tried to get away from him. He jerked her back against him and wrapped his arms around her, holding her so her back was tight to his chest.

He fell asleep as she cried, hurting from what he had just done. Renee didn't dare to move for fear that she would wake Jesse up and he would start all over again with his torture. He hadn't forced himself on her in a very long time. She didn't understand what had happened. Had he seen Patrick come on to her? Why would he think she had anything going on with Patrick? Was he going to continue to brutalize her body every night until she told him what he wanted to hear? If she lied and said she had been with Patrick, then what would he do?

She laid there for hours before she finally dared to move. She bit her lip to keep from crying out as the pain hit her when she went to throw her legs over the bed. She crept into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She saw bite marks on her breasts and little bruises from his rough touches. She felt rather than saw what he had done in between her legs. She slid down onto the floor and sat there until she passed out on the bathroom floor.