Chapter 23

Christian was finally down for the night, so he laid on the bed beside her and watched her sleep for a few minutes. She was beautiful even when she was having a bad dream. He slowly pushed her hair back from her face and went to wrap his arms around her. When he did, she started struggling in her sleep. She wound up smacking him in the face and his anger took over. He jerked her body against his and she woke up screaming. He covered her mouth with his to keep her from waking Christian up.

Renee struggled as Jesse rolled so his body was on top of hers. She tried to push him off, but he grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head. When he broke the kiss, he began to kiss down her neck. He moved her hands so one wrist was over top of the other and he could wrap his larger hand around both of her wrists, freeing one hand. This one began to move down her body.

"You hit me just now. What should I do to you in return for that?"

"I d-didn't do it on purpose," Renee stammered.

"Doesn't matter if it was on purpose or not. You still did it," Jesse said as his hand traveled under the nightgown she had on.

She whimpered as his hand caressed her folds. She was still sore from the previous night. But, she would not give him the satisfaction of screaming for him. She closed her eyes as his hand continued to move over her. He let go of her and got off the bed. Her eyes shot open and she looked to see where he had gone. She saw him getting undressed and tears filled her eyes. She knew what was coming next.

Jesse grabbed her and pulled her to the edge of the bed. Her nightgown rode up to her waist as he did. He pushed it up and pulled it over her head so she was naked. He leaned down and started licking her nipple as his hand again began to caress her. He was being a lot more gentle than she expected him to be. He made his way down with his mouth until he was on his knees in front of her.

She watched him as he lowered his head to her folds, keeping his eyes on hers. Her breathing quickened but not out of anticipation. She was worried that even this would hurt. Jesse cupped her butt in both hands and licked his way from the bottom of her folds to the top. His tongue dug it's way inside to her clit and he began to lick slowly in a circle. He kept his eyes on hers as his pace quickened. He could tell she was waiting for him to hurt her again. He had originally planned on it and he still might, but for now, he was getting excited by her reaction.

He slowly moved his hand from her butt to her core. He slid one finger inside and found she was wet. She shifted and he heard her whimper as he added another finger. He found that spot inside of her and began to just crook his fingers back and forth over it as he increased the speed of his tongue on her. It was taking a while for her to respond, but eventually, her body was responding.

When she was ready to cum, he stood up and pressed against her. He felt her body tense under him, but his eyes never left hers. He shoved himself into her and felt how wet and tight she was. She reacted to him thrusting into her by trying to shove him away. He grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head.

"Stop fighting me. I can either bring us both pleasure or just bring you pain. Your choice," Jesse said as he started claiming her body with his own.

Renee felt a mixture of pleasure and pain with what he was doing. She wasn't sure how to take it. He had never hurt her so badly and then been gentle about it the next time. His threat of hurting her every night was still there in her mind and she was tense waiting for him to do just that, hurt her. Her body was still hurting and that put the sex just this side of pain, but it was like it was confusing her senses.

When Jesse stood up, his body thrusting into hers was causing her to jerk on the bed. It pushed the pain too far, so she wrapped her legs around him to keep her body from jerking so much. He groaned with pleasure thinking she was enjoying what he was doing. Renee closed her eyes, trying to block out the pain.

"Open your eyes and look at me," Jesse commanded.

"I can't. It hurts. Please...," Renee trailed off.

Jesse slowed his pace down so she would start enjoying the sex again. He had rather liked her reaction to him. He knew she was feeling some pain but it hadn't been bad enough for her not to get off. He pulled out of her and grabbed her ass, pulling her body off the bed and to his mouth. He watched as her eyes flew open. He bent slightly so he could put her legs over his shoulders and support her body as he began to lick her clit.

Renee was scared when he jerked her partway off the bed, but surprise took her over when she felt his mouth on her. She felt her thighs squeezing the side of his head as his tongue continued to lick that nub of pleasure while sucking it. How could he hurt her so badly and then cause her to feel pleasure? This time, he didn't stop until she was at the brink of cumming. Then, he slid her body down his until he was at her entrance.

He thrust into her, possessing her body with his once again, but this time, she was too far gone to care. She was wet enough to where it was not hurting her to have him inside of her. He held her hips down on the bed as he slammed himself into her. She wrapped her legs around him again, this time out of pleasure.

"You're mine, Renee. Say it," Jesse said as he leaned down and she felt his breath on her lips.

She opened her eyes and not wanting him to hurt her, said, "I'm yours."

Jesse lost control then and took her harder and faster. Renee felt that intense pleasure wash over her and was surprised when she came. Jesse took possession of her mouth as he slammed into her over and over and then came inside of her. He stayed leaned over as he laid on top of her body, loving the feel of being inside of her. He remained that way until he was no longer hard.

"I love you," Jesse said.

He found he was disappointed when Renee said nothing. He knew she wouldn't. He sighed and moved them on the bed and laid beside her, taking her into his arms. He frowned as he felt her body trembling against his, but there was nothing he could do about it right now.