Kevin read and reread the messages. Marie was Renee’s middle name. Alexander was his. Was this Renee? Or was he reading into this woman’s story what he wanted to see? If it was Renee, why didn’t she just tell him that it was her? Was the story she told about being afraid why she hadn’t reached out? Her story about running across his page just didn’t add up. All the things this woman had told him made his blood boil. The things she had put forward about Renee being threatened with his life really had him wondering.
This woman had said her son looked exactly like his father. He scrolled back through the messages and saw the description. Her son had blonde hair and green eyes, just like him. His heart started beating faster. He had to get this woman to open up to him. He had to know for sure this wasn’t Renee. If this was Renee, he had to trip her up somehow.