Chapter 94

The woman behind Renee handed her the bouquet back and Jesse took her other hand, lacing his fingers through hers. He walked her over to a nearby table that had a small cake on it. It was their wedding cake. He sat her down as everyone left but a photographer. He took pictures of them cutting the cake and them feeding each other a piece of cake. She was waiting for Jesse’s temper to come out, but she knew it wouldn’t happen while people were around. Once the photographer left, Jesse turned to her.

Here it comes, she thought to herself.

“Why would you be crying sad tears? I thought this would make you happy,” Jesse said.

“It was a beautiful ceremony, Jesse. You put so much thought and effort into this. I appreciate every bit of it, but you know why this makes me sad. I don’t want to ruin tonight, okay? Can we just forget about it?”