"GO AFTER HIM!!!" Heather spoke as Vixen ran away, We went outside to see the Tentacle monster fleeing from the apartment.

"Where are you guys going?" softly Kagura asked, I went to her and told her calmly.

" Just stay here, okay? " I said, she nodded as we left. We went outside, Tachibana then jumped to a roof while Ayame flew away with me and Heather, blankly staring at one another.

"Fine, hold on. " she sighed as she revealed her angelic wings, I grabbed on to her hands as we flew away and started chasing the monster.

We flew across the neighbourhood and chased after Vixen, we slowly get to the tall buildings, Tachibana ran and skipt to different roofs.

"What time is it? " Ayame asked as she flew, Tachibana look at his wrist and stated.

"3 a.m." he dictated, I heard Heather gulp as Ayame groaned.

"Shit, quickly let's find him." She spread her wings faster and soared to the sky, Tachibana ran faster and the same goes for Heater.

"What's up with 3 am?" I asked, I was curious why they hurriedly chased him.

" 3 am in the human world just makes demons stronger. " She dictated, we flew to the tall buildings. We manage to find him, swinging to a building to another with his tentacle arms. I looked around and saw a Pole, I immediately released one of my hands from Heather and a golden aura appeared from my hand and the pole.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

I got the pole and morphed it into a different object and threw it to Vixen's tentacles.

"WHAT THE!?" I throw him a newly morph spear from the Pole, blood dashed out from his tentacle hand while he screams in pain while trying to escape.

" Okay, Heather I can handle this. " I insisted as she nodded, I dropped to one of the roofs of the buildings and tumbled, I saw a coat in one of the roofs and morphed it.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?!" Ayame shouted as I flew with them with my newly morphed artificial wings, it was from the coat.

"Just another roman antic." Heather explained to Ayame as she sighed, I spread my wings as I flew faster in the skies. I saw another pole but it was below, I grabbed it and morphed it into multiple spears.

" TAKE THIS!!! " I stated as I threw all of the newly morphed spears to Vixen, as he got hit, he crashed into one of those buildings, there were people there.

Screaming and shouting began in the block, innocent people were horrified on what happened, We quickly flew to the building. We saw body's of innocent people, some women slowly getting the same feeling like Kagura a while ago.

"PLEASE HELP US!!!" stated by a young man as he went up to and grab me in the collar.

" NO YOU DON'T!!!" Said by Vixen as he grabbed the innocent man with his tentacles and threw him into a wall. People screamed and shouted, running away with fear in their eyes. People seem to see this monstrosity.

"They can see him?" I asked Heather as she descended and touched the floor with her feet.

" Only if it is 3 am. " she stated. Vixen then healed himself and looked us in the eye, Tachibana arrived late panting for breath.

"Listen Vixen, The Underworld cannot afford another horny wave." Ayame said as Vixen slowly laughed sadistically.

"THEN SO WHAT? THIS WORLD IS FULL OF DEPRESSION AND I AM HERE TO SAVE THEM BY THE POWER OF SELF PLEASURE!!!" He stated as she grabbed both Heather and Ayame with his tentacle hands, he grew out more hands from his back as Tachibana and I looked at each other.

" LISTEN HERE PERVERT!!! THIS IS NOT SOME HENTAI SCENE!!! " Ayame stated as I looked around and saw a small artificial wall, I morphed it into spears while Tachibana morphed some chairs into Swords.

"OHH IT SOON WILL BEEE!!!" He stated as his tentacle arms slowly crawled to their skin, I threw my spears to one of those arms. He screamed in pain as one of his tentacles flew away, He then look at me in the eye.

" Well, a Roman and a Byzantine in one place, oh well. LET' SEE ABOUT THIS THEN!!! " He covered Heather and Ayame's mouth and attacked us as he flung his tentacles to us.

"LET'S GO!!!" We shouted as charged with our weapons, I morphed other objects into sharp point daggers and I threw it to Vinex while Tachibana cut off all his.

" WHAT!!! " He said, I threw another spear to him, he jumped off the building with Ayame and Heather covered in his tentacles. He fell on the streets as people began panicking.

"come ON!!!" Tachibana stated as he jumped off the building, I spread my artificial wings and glided in the air, chasing Vixen.

"TASTE THIS! GOLDEN EMBLEM!!!" Tachibana shouted as he threw his morphed dagger to Vixen as his eyes got stabbed, He nearly stopped but he kept on running away with his tentacles swinging him through the city.

"TACHIBANA USE GOLDEN EMBLEM AGAIN WHILE I THREW MY SPEARS!!!" I shouted at him, I already thought of a plan on stopping Vixen from running away.

He nodded as my plan started, I morphed some spears with a golden aura. We saw Vixen slowly giving pleasure to Ayame, despite how I wanted to pleasure myself but now it's not the time.

"HAVE THIS SHARP SPEAR!!!" I shouted as I threw the spear and Tachibana followed as he threw his Golden emblem, cutting Vixen's grasp to Heather and Ayame, they were freed from the tentacles.

" TAKE THIS ASSHOLE!!! " Heather shouted as she summoned a golden staff, Ayane stood up as her heart shaped eyes turned back to normal.

"PLEASURE YOURSELF WITH THIS!!! HEAVEN'S FURY!!!" Objects from nearby morphed into a cloud of energy and threw it into Vixen, almost killing him as he flung in a distance, I saw people hiding in some places, shivering in fear.

We descended as I prepared with another spear in my hand and Tachibana with Golden Emblem. Vixen slowly stood up, shivering in fear as he covered his facial features with his tentacles.

"Please… have mercy…" he cried, Heather sighed as she withdrew her Staff while we morphed back the weapons. Ayame came near to him and softly comforted the demon.

" It's alright now… " she hushed him, this is the first time seeing a demon with an emotion, he was crying like a normal person.

I felt an empathy in my soul as she calmed him down, I slowly regretted what I did. Tachibana lowered down his weapon with regret in his eyes while Heather sighed.

"Here, have this puppy instead." I stated as I grabbed a lot of objects near by and morphed a new being, a simple dog. I offered him the puppy as Vixen slowly whimpered and saw the puppy, the puppy barked as Vixen slowly liked it.

" Thank you. " he said as he grabbed the animal, the puppy wagging its tail in excitement. I can feel these two will have a good relationship.

After the mishaps, we remorphed everything back to normal and returned to our place. Vixen was carrying the puppy as she slowly had an enjoyment.

"Thank you so much, I rarely get a pet." Vixen stated as the two walked to the portal back to the underworld.

"Take care of it, alright?" Ayame gaved that dog the power to be immune from the underworld so he could live there with Vixen.

" BYEEEE!!! " he stated as he lived with the portal finally closing down. We sighed with exhaustion and waved our goodbyes, Heather and I returned back to our unit as I fell down on the floor trying to have some rest.

"I Guess horniness can be solved by love." She stated as she lay on her bed.

" Demonic or not, everyone who has horniness just wants someone to be with. " I lastly stated as I slowly closed my eyes and had some decent sleep.

"Yeah, you're right." Heather lastly said before I slept.

(Your hand can imitate the pleasure of having sex but it cannot imitate the feeling of a hug - From the Author, 2020)