I slowly woke up, I noticed that I wasn't on the floor, I was on Heather's bed. My head hurts but I can still think properly, I slowly stand back from the bed as I glance around the room.

"What Happened?" I asked myself, I spaced out on our last mission. I heard a door open, it was the entrance door. Heather came out from the small hallway of the door to our room.

"Are you okay?" She softly asked, I began wondering what happened last night, did we defeat Mors or something bad happen.

" Yeah. " I smiled, she walked in and sat beside me on the bed, she was nice at me, this was the first time this happened.

"Listen, I'm sorry what happened yesterday…" she scratched her head as she apologized and made me more curious about what happened.

"What happened yesterday?" I asked her, she gave a heavy sighed and answered.

" Mors managed to run away as soon as you fell down from the building, luckily I managed to catched you. " she answered.

"This is my fault on why he escaped." I regret myself, I thought I could have handled him like what I did with Vixen but I realise, he was more of a demon than him.

"Don't be, you did you best. Come on, We'll train here so we can beat him later. " She clenched her fist as she tried to inspire me, I looked at her and nodded.

She then went back to the hallway, I heard a loud screech from the place Heather went. Few screeches and a large Cabinet appeared in the room, I widened my eyes with shock as Heather panted and looked at me.

"Now Summon Double Edge." She stated as she opened the cabinet's door to reveal poles inside of it. I stood and started thinking of Double Edge.

"DOUBLE EDGE!!!" I stated as a Golden aura appeared in my hands as one of the poles glowed, it slowly restructured itself and finally became my silver main weapon, Double Edge.

"Okay." I started but Double Edge then flew toward me, I closed my eyes hoping he won 't attack but I was surprised, I didn't get attacked. I opened my eyes and saw Double Edge wraps its body on mine, he was flexible and unbelievably soft.

"Double Edge was afraid when you jumped from the building, he was so happy to see you safely. " She sighed as I softly touched Double Edge, he seemed to care for me.

"It's okay bud." I softly spoke as Double Edge back off and finally stiffen itself. It went to my hands as I looked at Heather.

"Okay Let's start." I started training.

It was a difficult training, a battlefield in a small space and scarce materials nearby. In the end, we managed to train, as night falls we went to the buildings and started finding Mors.

"You sure that Ayame and Tachibana won't come?" I asked Heather, she told me a while ago that they are busy tonight for a different battle in the far ends of Tokyo.

"Yes." She stated, I hold tighter on her hands as we fly throughout the skies of Tokyo, I look around to find Mors but it seems he's not visible, there was no one committing suicide right now.

"Hey, I'll look in the other way." I stated, Heather nodded as I let go from her hands and saw a Pole nearby and remold it into a double Edge, I landed on his handle and flew to the opposite side.

After our training a while ago, I learnt something from Double Edge, his strong handle and our bond strengthened and I finally balanced on his handle as we levitated in the room.

"Okay, I found him." I looked at a Tall building and saw a figure towering above the building, I told Double Edge to ascend and went to the place where probably Mors is.

I went to the roof and I found him, Mors, the monster tried to hide but I saw and cornered him. I look angrily at him after what he did to me yesterday, his spell is tough but I now know what to do.

"Oh? You wanted part two?" he asked, I jumped from Double Edge's handle and landed on the roof, I tilted my head from left to right as I stared at his eyes.

"Always." I stated.

" WELL THEN YOU SHOULD HAVE LEARN FROM YOUR MISTAKE YESTERDAY!!!" he releases out another of his fingers as he hit my torso like yesterday, I was late once again. I slowly felt darkness in my eyes and gave up. I then jumped from the building once again.

"Such a pathetic human." I heard from him, I twitch my head and look at a nearby mirror and remold it into a rope, I saw Double Edge trying to stop me, I quickly caught him with the rope and ascend back to the roof.

" WHAT THE!? " he was confused as I looked at him with a chuckle.

"How?!" He spoke, I lifted my coat to let him see that he only pierced a book that saved me from his fingers.

" I discovered that your Fingers are weak and can only affect living things, good thing this book protected me. " I stated, as Double Edge then pointed its head to Mors.

"And now ENJOY THIS SUFFERING!!!" I grabbed Double Edge then threw it to Mors Chest, the demon screamed in agony as Double Edge deepen itself to his body as he scream louder.

" WHY YOU!? " He shouted as I ran to him and used the same rope I grabbed on to Double Edge to choke his neck, making the Demon crying in pain as his body got pierced by Double Edge.

"SEE YOU LATER DEMON!!!" I shouted as I kicked him to the building and Double Edge chased after him, stabbing him one more time as a dark raven portal appeared below him as he finally left Earth .

After Mors is gone, Double Edge went back to me and finally won against a Demon who tried to kill me, almost to kill me.

"Not bad." Ayame stated as she flapped her wings and descended to the roof.

"Heather taught you those tricks right?" She asked, I nodded. Double Edge then wraps its body to my waist and becomes a belt, seems like a good idea.

" You know I can teach you as well. " She winked .

"What is that you want?" I groaned as she slowly came near to me.

"Well as a Succubi, I need some juice and I think you have it." She played my body with her fingers, trying to give me an erection.

" Fine, Tomorrow. We'll train. " I started and gave her a wink.

"You will?" She asked, this was the first time I saw her excited , usually she's just a lustrous succubi but as times pass by, she seems to be a good friend.

"I KNOW WHAT YOU'RE PLANNING AYAME!!!" Shouted by Heather as she flew throughout the building.

" Fine, A Date tomorrow, Me and You. " She asked as she let go of her arms from my body.

"You bet." I winked as I slowly think of what will happen tomorrow.

" YOU WILL NEVER LEARN!!! " Heather kicked me in the head as I stumbled on the floor, unconscious.

<= To Be Continued