"RAVEN'S WRATH!!!" a girl shouted after Tachibana ate the fruit, he was thrown in the far side of the room, I turned around and saw Ayame anc Heather, standing in the doors, panting for breath.

"SHIT! HE ATE IT!!" Ayame shouted as she went to get the fruit, she picked it up and hid on one of her pouch.

"Oh no.." Heather gulped, I was confused on what was going on, Heather then took a glance at Tachibana while Ayame was securing the fruit.

"What is going on?" I asked them.

" No time for questions, let's go! " Ayame shouted, I nodded and followed them as we went to the doors and began running away.

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!!" Shouted by a male voice behind us, it was Tachibana's. We turned around and saw him, he was different, demonic eyes, red and black torso and more, he was purely different.

*RAVEN'S WRATH!!! " Ayame then summoned her scythe and shot out a powerful explosion, the interior began to crumble, the walls began cracking, we continued running away.

"FIERY EMBLEM!!!" He shouted, a flaming sword appeared in front of us, trying to give me fear but it was too late, we turned around and had no choice but to battle Tachibana.

" RAVEN'S WRATH!!! TAKE THIS" Ayame shouted as she summoned her scythe one more time and charged to Tachibana.

"Fiery Emblem, Stop her." He stated as the Fire Emblem blocked Ayame's scythe, she kept pushing but the flames kept getting hotter and hotter, I began sweating .

" Impossible. " I stated, usually Tachibana holds his weapon but no, the Emblem was on its own, blocking Ayame's scythe to charge to Tachibana.

"This shall be the last master." He smirked as Fiery Emblem pushed one more time and suddenly a crack began to appear from Ayame's scythe.

"What?" Everyone was stunned on what happened, Tachibana smirked as Fiery Emblem pushed one more time and finally destroyed the scythe, it exploded, the walls began to crumble, Ayame was thrown back at us and Tachibana began laughing maniacally.

"Why you!-" Heather was about to attack but I held her arm and gave her a no.

"I'll Handle this, you two get out and protect the city while I handle Tachibana." I spoke to them, the two were stunned by what I did, I know I am very low to Tachibana but I will find a way.

" Okay. " The three nodded and left, the walls crumbled once more, tremors were heard and everything began to crack, I looked at Tachibana and gave him a serious look.

"I'm surprised that you will fight me, a Succubi couldn't defeat me but how about you?" He asked, I stood on my ground and began thinking what to do.

" Well there is one thing, DOUBLE EDGE! " I shouted as Double Edge appeared and charge to Tachibana, it was too fast and a puncture appeared on Tachibana's torso, sprouting blood as it slowly became a pool on his feet.

"Not bad… BUT HOW ABOUT THIS!" He then summoned his weapon and the walls began to explode, I know one thing to do.

"What is your next move?" He asked, I smirked and stared at him.

" RUN AWAY!!! " I shouted as I ran, fleeing away from him, I went to a larger room and resumed Double Edge, He caught up to me with his sword and our battle began.

"The Romans did tell you such a thing." He said.

" But the BYZANTINE TOLD ME MORE!!! " Fiery emblem hit the ground and a large crack appeared, the ceiling began to flame, slowly the fires spread.

"So what are you gonna do, Roman boy?" He mocked me, I looked around and saw the flames slowly burn the room and spread like wildfire, there were things beginning to fall apart and I took this as an opportunity.

" Your end! " I shouted as I charged him, He was about to block me with Fiery Emblem but I slided on the floor and resumed double ee to stab him, I stabbed him on the ground as he coughed up blood.

"Give up Tachibana." I stated as he coughed up blood, I stabbed him on his neck to sure he would be mortally wounded. But he began looking at me very angrily , I slowly saw what he wanted to do.

"WILL YOU GIVE UP!!" He stated as I heard another swing, it was from Fiery Emblem, I flinched and threw myself away and Double Edge came to me, I stood up with a serious look as double Edge hovered beside me while Tachibana stood up, coughing with blood.

The fire that surrounds us spread faster and things fell apart, Smoke rose and it was turning to Tachi's favour, I was expecting it to fall to mine but I was too busy trying to kill him instantly.

"FIERY EMBLEM!!!" He stated as he swung it one more time, Double Edge blocked it, my spear wasn't strong enough to block it so I decided to think. I looked around to see some pieces and saw an opportunity.

" Your spear is no match against my sword! " He mocked as Double Edge tried his best to defend his ground, I saw him and began taking parts from the fallen objects and turning it into a more useful item, a scutum.

"HOW ABOUT THIS!!!" I charged with my scutum, it pushed Fiery flame away and left me and Tachibana on the battle, with our main weapons.

"A Roman Shield, well then let us see who has the last laugh." He said as the objects above us dropped down and the flame spread, this was a battle against me and a friend of mine, I have to win this or everyone would die because of him.

"COME AT ME!!!" I shouted as we charged