As the crowded airport continued on, the four began looking around to find what they are after. Amis, who was still having an issue about this world, having Ayame and Heather have no choice but to help him. Troy in the other hand decided to take the comfort room. He went to one of the stalls and zip out and began pissing. While he was pissing, he felt something unusual, like the feeling of something being watched.
“GOT YOU!” He shouted, luckily there weren’t any people in the public comfort room. He was grabbing on something, it was a musical note, an eighteenth note.
“CURSES!” the note said as Troy let him go.
“What is it now?” Troy asked after he cleaned up after the piss.
“I did some site tracking and it seems that one of the minions of Kole got here in Florida for many years.” The note stated, this grab Troy’s attention and realize how their adventure would be more difficult than Tokyo.
“For how long exactly?” He asked.