The cold fronts blow in on them despite the sun is above them. People were still looking at them with their phones trying to get the news and get internet clout but this fight is more than they can expect. Ampate chuckled as the two tried to have their stance to the ground but little did the two realize, fear was taking over their body and there was no escape for it. Her malicious look gazed upon them but her mask covers her face only to be seen as a woman with a white mask.

“And here I thought Knights fight for honor and justice by eating away their fear but all I see is a Knight with his fear eating him instead.” Ampate mocked Amis. He was getting furious but he doesn't want to hurt woman as well, he couldn't do what it needs to be done, like Troy, slowly he backed off. This made Ampate slowly won, but Heather and Ayame saw this and remove the two boys out of the fight.