New Western Power - 16

“Well, I gotta go now. Take care of my flat will you.” Mason said, Hypno nodded to her master as soon as he left and shuts the door. It was now officially Monday, and it is time for Mason to go back to his usual routines, going to school then work. Hypno didn't tell Mason what happened on the previous nights but she assured him that he is safe, as long as she can handle it.

He arrived at his classroom and take his seat, alongside the boys. Unlike Mason, they got laid on that Friday night while he was working. While the boys were talking about that weekend, Mason on the other hand was reading his book.

“Yo Mason, you still reading that book?” his friend respectfully ask. They know how Mason is sensitive about the book, but they don't know why.

“Yeah.” Mason was interrupted as one of his friends slammed a letter on his desk. He quickly stopped reading and looked at his friend.