New Western Power - 54

Tuesday, 3 in the afternoon.

“Tick… tock.” The clock ticked in the classroom as it tries to fill the quiet emptiness of the room. On the center, there was a student, sitting on her chair as she looks at the time with a disappointed face, and with her was her teacher. He was quiet as well, and on the table, was a copy of her report card.

“I-I-I… I don't understand. How did I fail math?” The student cried as she was in disbelief. She couldn't understand why on her failure despite how she tried her best through the school year.

“I’m also concerned as well Cecilia. You were great, but it wasn't enough.” The Teacher spoke. Cecilia's heart dropped as she couldn't believe what her own teacher said. She did the best she could do yet she failed. She was being skeptical of it as she tries to understand what was going on but it was thrown to the back of her mind because she was too focus on why did she fail.