New Western Power - 66

Friday, 2 in the afternoon.

Cecilia was standing still while she was covered from the shining light of the sun, she stood tall under the tree as she patiently waited for Alexio to come. While waiting, she was getting worried that he might come late and without Stephanie nearby, things might go into the wrong hand.

“Where is he?” Cecilia impatiently said as she was afraid that Alexio might come late. Her mannerism of checking her phone to see the time in hopes to distract herself from the anxiety of Alexio might not arrive. All of a sudden, her phone began to ring. She takes it out of her pocket and looks at it, it was Alexio who was calling her. She picked it up in hesitation and answered his call.

“Where are you?” Cecilia asked him as she was getting impatience on where Alexio is.