Chapter 9

When Mizu wake up, all around her was a group of people she's not familiar with, of all ages from kids to adults. Most of them are terrified, crying, confused, and scared about where were they and what's happening. Mizu then noticed they've been locked up with shackles and chains on their hand, leg, and even on their neck. All of their chains are connected to each other.

They were inside a big jail, no windows, no doors, only iron bars, and dim light coming from the walls. They seem inside a cave, yet no stalagmites or stalactites only a plain concrete wall built in an arc.

Everyone has no idea where they are, nor know what will happen afterward.

Mizu seated quietly, not minding the background noise. She was in her own space, in her own world. She was still mourning woefully at her parents' death. The horrible scenery was still fresh and vivid in her mind. Life only gives her a taste of what a family will feel like, on what is happiness, and retrieve it afterward.

"Why give it to me and make it disappear later on? Why make me suffer again and again?" she silently cry, she was so broken inside.

This time, she has no friend to comfort her, she has no shoulder to lean and cry, she won't hear his lame words. This time, she has no Kuro on her side. "I was alone again…"

Everyone then jolted when a two-armed man appeared out of nowhere, they look like a guard. They then opened the jail and harshly pulled the two long chains that connected them all, this almost chokes most of them. The sound of the metal in their feet are clanking as they walked in barefoot. The path they've taken has no signs of another living thing, nor another source of light than those in the wall.

These people were dragged like a slave, they didn't know where they will be taken, they have no idea at all. The two guards just keep their silence while pulling them. Everyone is restrained and can't escape. The guards then stop, as well as them.

"There's nothing in front why did they stop?" Everyone in the same thoughts. It was only walls.

Standing in a row, the guards stomp strongly their feet 2 times. In the next second, the ground shakes terribly like there's an earthquake. The guards, Mizu, and a few fellows remained firm in their standing while most of the group is in mess.

Then, they just felt the rising of the ground they were standing. They're about to reach the ceiling when suddenly it opened. A dazzling light came through making them temporarily blind and tightly closed their eyes. It was then followed by a deafening cheer.

When the ground becomes steady they soon opened their eyes. They were being watched by several audiences in a mask in different sizes and styles yet in the same color of black. At first glance, you will know they're elites. They were now standing in the center of an enormous circle stage made in marble tiles. The floor was dirtied with dark spots and splattered liquid body substance.

Everyone was dumbstruck and confused about the happenings. "Why we are here?" The guards then one by one unlock their shackles from neck to feet. "We're free?" they've asked towards the guards, but the two just kept their silence. These pitiful peoples' expressions became less stiff and turned to smile thinking they will be free. However, to others, the lifeless stare of the guards like they were only staring at the air, the rich people in the audiences, the stage, and the four big monitors on the ceiling, made them to be suspicious, and stay on alert.

"Something is fishy in here. Only idiots will think we are free," said of a teenage girl in a red hair towards the blonde one.

"Whatever happens, we need to survive this Akane." The girl in short gold color hair replied eyes are burning with determination to be alive. They then noticed a girl in the center who seems in space out, not for herself, and not minding what is happening, she was Mizu.

"That girl will surely die after a second," Akane uttered.

The blonde girl suddenly holds her hand, "Don't think of other things. Let's focus on ourselves."

Akane smiled, and hold her hand tightly, "Yes, Himari. Whatever happens, I will protect you."

The guards then silently walked out of the circle stage and went towards the only door visible in this place, and guard it. As soon as they stomp their feet once again, a translucent glass wall instantly covered the whole stage, coming from below.

"W-what is happening?"

Everyone was in panic and went to the glass wall to slam and tried to break it, but it won't even show a sign of a crack nor scratch.

"Please let us out, out!"

Most of them cried and beg, only a few remain in the center. It was this instant they knew, they were trapped and can't escape. Seeing the audiences face, lips curved in a crafty smile while watching them like what happening is an amusement, give these pitiful people a chill and a bad feeling.

Afterward, the extravagant monitor attached on the ceiling like what we can see in the national sports event turned on. A face of a man in a simple white mask was shown on the screen and later on, an energetic cheerful voice emerge.

"A lovely welcome to our honored guest and adorable participants! Greetings from your beloved host for today."

Getting everyone's attention. He was then applause by some of the audience and the people on the stage were even more puzzled.

The whole area, then covered in silence, with the sound effect rolling like a drum, these participants' hearts were thumping following the fast rhythm, they were very anxious and nervous.

Just then the host announced, "WELCOME TO THE ARENA PARTICIPANTS!!! Most of you might wonder at what the world is happening, so here I am, your host for today to explain everything. Listen attentively as I will just mention it once... Kidnapped? Been dragged or forced? Or was luckily invited? All of you, here are chosen to participate in our famous game. You are fortunate enough to join and have a chance to win an unbelievable price," he paused. "So, in this game, we have here a level from 1 to 101. Winning every level has a corresponding price. Money? Woman? Man? Anything you desire? You can get it if you kept winning and raise your level. Whoever you are before doesn't matter here. Everyone is on equal terms. Everyone can get what they want. Everything was offered in this game. The only matter is you must-have skills, strength, agility, keen senses, and the like to get it," he smiled while eyeing some kids inside the arena and asked adorably, "So, who was excited to win?"

They were scared but their aura suddenly changed to an enthusiastic one. They want to win! Their pair of eyes are burning with desires and determination to get what they desire. The down atmosphere a while ago changed to full of energetic individuals.

In their excitement, the host slightly smirked, "Today, we are going to witness the rising stars of this group, cheers for that. We have approximately 100 participants today from age 7 to age 28, quite a heterogeneous group. That, quite a large number right honored guest?" The audiences smiled and most of them answered him, ''Yeah!''

"So, what to do?…" His voice turned low and he seems down like it was really a big problem. Then in the next moment, his expression turned bright under his mask, as he has just thought of a great idea.

"Oh, let's just bring down their number from 20! This is great!" he excitedly exclaimed. The audience agreed with him. Playing along with his act.

"What?" The participants asked.

"You heard me right! The remaining 20 participants will be the official player of the game. And to do that..., he paused and his face become serious, "you have to kill each other!"

This time, the tiled floor is shaking again and in the center, a table has emerged with all kinds of weapons you could imagine, and most of it was stained with blood. Instantly, their faces turned pale.

"You have 10 seconds to get your weapon. 10… 9… 8…"

This made them panic and started to cry, especially the younger ones. They then hurriedly get a weapon before the other, whatever it is as long as it can use to attack and protect them.

With this chaotic scenery, the host laughed and terrifyingly declared, "WELCOME to SURVIVAL GAME PARTICIPANTS. A GAME YOU CAN'T ESCAPE HAS JUST STARTED!"

In this mess, Mizu was only standing in silence while the head was down. People are already in a rush to get a weapon, yet she never moved to her place. Her expression was blank and lifeless. Just then, people from all directions seize this opportunity and attack her.