Chapter 15

For a moment Mizu foresees her death and felt the disappointment on the gaze of Riku.

"Am I in a situation like this because I didn't kill her when I have a chance?"




"I forgot, those reasons are non-existential in this Hell! and I'm already a MURDERER!"

Before the point of the blade reaches her neck she grabbed it with her barehand, gripping it tightly, without minding the pain that will occur, and with the loud cry of her desperation, she fiercely stabs the throat of her opponent using the broken blade. The psychotic girl's countenance was in total shock, she managed to cursed Mizu with a single word before she vomits plenty of blood, "Die", which was been replied, "I'm sorry, I can't." by Mizu. In the next second the psychotic girl falls with all her weight to her.

The whole place was in total silence, even those who were watching them. The camera angle didn't capture those important moments making everyone anxious about who wins. When the bodies moved, one that was below, rise up. Removing the corpse on her like filthy trash. As soon as she sits up, the host instantly declared Mizu as a champion, so loud and enthusiastic than before, as if he was like a proud daddy of her.


However, he received a sharp glare coming from the master of the house of the North. He immediately fakes a cough, a host shouldn't be biased. But Mizu's unusual skills and unbelievable luck caught his interest. She was fun to watch, she look weak but those opponents who underestimated her lost their life, who won't cheer for her? Moreover, in how many years this man works as a host, watching every player so closely, he knows that Mizu was a gem that only needs to be polished, to be sparkler more.

"Ahm! Between Player 11996 of the North and Player 11659 of the East, winner Player 11659. Congratulations."

The audience claps along with the announcement yet most of them felt a great disappointment with the result. They were expecting the psychotic girl to win. This kind of player will give them more awesome entertainment than Mizu, a boring and weakling player in their eyes. Despite the unwelcomed cheer, Mizu proudly stands up and wipes the blood that went on her face. She can't already go back to the life she holds dear, with pure innocence. Now, living with this absurd hellish life, she already accepted it and the thought that she was a-- KILLER. Mizu raised strongly her right hand, indicating a sign of her victory!

After a few moments.

The dead body was now retrieved by some personnel. Mizu was now covered in bandages after applying first-aid. The host wearing his white plain mask was already standing beside Mizu, holding a mic, he said, "You are now officially a Level 11 player, which has the privilege to use the facilities in the middle floor and to have a Title. What do you like to call you?"

A title will be used as a name to call the specific players in this arena, a new identity to every player, a name that will be rise on the top. Since Mizu's group went to the middle floor months ago, she has already chosen a title that will be called for her. To always remind her about her family, her friends, and Shiro, to remind her about her humanity in this hell-like world, she chooses the word-- 'White,'

To remind her about the place she once called home, her goal to this place, and a being that represents her hatred-- 'Crow.' The kind of birds that never forget the person who harms them.

"I will be called-- White Crow!" Mizu firmly declared.

"White Crow such a wonderful name." The announcer mumbled and afterward exclaimed, "Today is the birth of a player, WHITE CROW of the East house!" she was been cheered tremendously though was only a sound effect. after a moment of silence, the host asked again,

"What do you desire? Wealth, Fame, Power, or Freedom?" this question was always asked the players graduated on the rookie floor, like a form of tradition. the host always heard one of the four choices, human's desires were always the same, but he never expecting Mizu to answer,

"None of these," she replied while her gaze suddenly changes to the crowd, she points her index fingers towards the man on the seats of the Masters, as if she was declaring a challenge with her burning eyes, flaming like a horrendous fire, "I ONLY WANT TO KILL THAT MAN!"

Riku was also looking at her with full of interest, smiling slyly with her bold declaration. Afterward, he laughs, a laugh that no one expects to hear. Riku is a master that always hides his true emotions, he never laughs this loud more so in the presence of many people. Riku suddenly stands up and exhilaratingly announced, "REACH TO TOP. I will wait for you there." he then leaves the place with a wide grin. Everyone knows he has a lot of expectations for this player.

"Such a wonderful challenge. Yet quite outrageous too. What a peculiar player." The audience also laughed when the host said this. Killing the Strongest man in this place? such a ridiculous thing to say.

"Now, now let's proceed. The player with the name White Crow. Put your card in the device." The host was pointing the device at the center of the stage that just appeared on the floor. It was used to scan the card and imprint the latest performance stat. As soon as Mizu put the said thing it was scan automatically. when finished the white color card turned to silver and 'White Crow,' already imprinted as a name of Mizu, with her designated level.

[ Title: White Crow [Blade User]

Age: 15 years old

Level: 11

Killed: 10

General Skills: [Stamina: Lv. 15] [Strength: Lv. 15 ] [Agility: Lv. 16]

Unique Skills: ???

General Evaluation: She was gifted with a calm composure that able her to read the opponent's movement even in a dire situation, and extract a counter-attack. her tolerance in pain was high that able her to move forward even with a severe wound and lastly, she has extreme luck. ]

This kind of data reminds Mizu of the game character that Akito was playing in a video game. In the eyes of those elites, the people here in this place were just a simple game character fighting with their life to survive. a toy that can be disposed of.

"What a player, her skills level excel at the current level she was in. White Crow was on par with her teammates' level. anyhow, let's welcome the Team Karasu!" after the host stated it. the elevator that leads to the next floor opened, spitting the four youngsters on their fancy black cloak with the crest of the dragon. it was then followed by tremendous cheers from the audience.

"Their long-range player is known for his ethereal beauty and elegance (in fighting), a bow user, VERMILLION!"

Zhi instantly waves his hand energetically and smiled to the crowd while stepping up on the stage and stands beside Mizu. As usual, he carries the air of freshness. "You were cool as always," he whispered to Mizu along with the bustling noise.

"Having like-wings flipping in the air with her spear, hair reminds us of blazing fire, the Crimson Phoenix!"

Akane with chin high, satisfied with her introduction, tapped Mizu's shoulder and proudly said, "That's my girl! Next time I will train you how to ruin face with a fist"

"A scimitar holder, calm and fierce as the sea, swordplay was sharp and strong as the claw, the AZURE TIGER!"

Haruto just calmly walked near the team and greet Mizu with a nod.

"Lastly, their Leader! she's so excellent! Magnificent! Even I fall in love with her leadership and dazzling swordplay, a dual blade user, GOLDEN MAMBA!"

Himari walked with an air of nobleness on her, like a queen stepping on the light and red carpet with a bunch of people bowing. She gives Mizu that kind of feeling. Like what the host stated, Mizu also admired their leader so much. Himari greeted her with praise, "You did well," while putting the official cloak that holds the crest of their House on her back.

"Let's applause them. The new rising star with complete members. TEAM KARASU!"


When Mizu stepped on the middle floor the first being she saw was the person she always wishes to meet again.
