One year later...
"Still a sleepyhead," I said smiling at Cainer as I watched him sleep soundly on his soft and big bed. Even though his face was shining from the sun coming out of the window, it did not wake him up.
I am leaning against the door of his room with one hand resting on my waist. I just shook my head and decided to approach him to wake him up. He is such a sleepy head.
Today is the day for his Tour Band Practice in Paris. He needs to wake up early and ready himself because the company is waiting for him at the airport. Since the day he and Gin talked, he has decided to continue and pursue playing music and creating a band. He participated in many activities that have something to do with music and he also plays his guitar for the gigs and bars.
"Cainer wakes up, you will be late for your flight," I said with a soft voice as I stroked his hair. I heard his moan, asking me to let him sleep for more minutes.