
The next day in the morning the scouts reported that the attacks were halted completely as the enemy troops were not moving any further for now. Further, he continues that the enemy forces have taken millions as hostages for labor work and are forcing into the slave business as well. It was quite easy to understand the intentions of Etherblade kingdom by now, they were trying to use the situation in their favor as best as possible. The southern territory was in chaos, even Jason's brother Anthony was facing many problems after their business and communication were cut off with other neighboring nations. After looking into all the national matters Athena issued a quest for fellow adventurers to go and scout on the enemy bases for information. It was a busy morning for everyone in the capital city 'Ekaia' of Ephesus. Loads of people had gathered here after the demonic invasion. The medics were trying their best to heal as many as possible, food was being distributed. Under the supervision of elders and the Imperial Knights, everything was going smoothly. Even people from Ekaia came forward to help.

"I want my doll, I won't eat without her." A little girl was upset after losing her toy. "Here, they say this doll brings happiness. At least that's what they say in the city." Diana handed a beautiful doll of an angel to the girl with a smile. The child took it and kept looking at it with her beautiful eyes wide open. She couldn't express her happiness, in a mere moment, she jumped and hugged Diana, "Thank you so much. Mom, mom see a doll-like princess gave me this doll." Hearing this she couldn't help but smile. "Princess, Her Majesty asks for your presence." A messenger asked for her. Hearing this she turned around and started walking towards her carriage. As they entered, it started moving towards the castle.

In the castle, Griffin and Aeneas had arrived just now. "Where's the kid?" Aeneas asked Athena. "You don't order me around. Besides, He has already arrived before you even touched this lad with those old shoes of yours." Her sharp reply made Griffin laugh out. "Well let's not just fight over such trivial things here, we have to think to make plans for your trip to the north," Griffin spoke looking at Aeneas. "Why not, let's just do it today, we might not any other time to do so anyway," Merida yelled at her father. "You know the times aren't good, how can we even do such a thing?" Evan replied in a low tone. Hearing this Both Merida and Nicholas got silenced. "What is it, Evan? Is there any problem?" Athena asked. Griffin and Aeneas also joined the gang. "It's Theodore's birthday today and we just want to wish him properly, but he won't listen." Merida's reply got everyone surprised. "How can we celebrate such a thing, know the timing dear," Evan replied to her. "Why not? It'd be a good idea to have some relaxing time. We are having quite a lot going on anyway." Athena closed in on Merida speaking to Evan. "But…" Before Evan could say anything Aeneas spoke up, "That calls for a party then, Come on you old hags let's prepare something good for the kid, shall we?" He then dragged everyone along with him away from the lobby.

In a room on the upper floor, Theodore was getting ready for today's meeting. He was nervous about a lot of things, like what if he was told to stay and not leave. He couldn't even run from this palace, a freaking Plane Guardian was guarding this place. He was sitting on his bed thinking about all of this. As he was still sitting, he heard a knock on the door. "Who's there?" He asked. "You'll know when you open the door. Now hurry up." Judging by the voice he figured that it'd be Vivian. He opened the door, and let her in. "How are you doing? You all right?" Vivian asked him as he seemed pretty spaced out. "Nah. It's just, I don't know if I can do this. I honestly don't. It's too much for me to bear." Seeing him complain she couldn't help but put her hand in his back and patting him while comforting, "Hey! You're never like this. Why do you worry, we are all here together, besides today is special right? Today is…." Before she could continue, loads of people teleported right into the room. Aeneas, Nicholas fell from the port while Merida was floating in the air. As it all happened; Evan, Jason, and Chloe, and Athena along with their daughters walked in through the door. The sudden ruckus startled Theodore and Vivian. "Have a happy birthday to you Theodore" everyone sang in the chore. "Wh… What? What are you saying?" Theodore got startled after listening to this. "No! I wanted to be the first one to wish him." Vivian complained looking at all. "Oh! Did we interrupt something here?" Athena spoke with a smirk looking at her. "N… N..NO!, It's not like that! But still." She replied with a lowered head and cherry red face. "How did you guys know?" Theodore was still in shock. "What do you think of us?" Nicholas grabbed his head and pulled him close while saying so.

After a while, everyone settled down and started having a casual conversation. Even Theodore settled down with a relaxed expression. Everyone was smiling after quite a long time. Athena was talking to one of her assistants about her daily work. Everyone was having a good time, looking at the mood Evan stood and looked at Theodore before speaking, "Theodore, I know you might be thinking that we chose the wrong time and I'm sorry for that. But I have something for you, I'm glad I kept it in my pouch." Hearing this everyone's eyes were fixated on Evan as he pulled a small box out of his box along with a sealed envelope. "It is for you dear, from your mother," Evan said while handing it to Theodore.