The Inn

As per planned Theo along with Ember arrived at the Inn.

It was more like a tavern with beds to sleep, but for their low-key adventure, it was perfect.

Before entering he noticed the cart which Aeneas and others were traveling in! The cart was a mess with all the mud around, it looked really worked out.

He slowly opened the door of the Inn to enter and the first thing he saw was Aeneas being tied up in the corner with a piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth,

looking all guilty.

The girl at the reception was also terrified for some reason, not to mention the other people had a baffled look on their faces.

His situation clearly indicated he had angered someone!



As these words fell on his ear a wave of shiver ran through his veins.

It was a familiar voice that came from the waiting room which was separated by a wall from the reception.

Theo gulped and walked a few steps to walk into the room, only to find what was waiting for him!