

In the palace, the temperature had dropped quite too much, and it was rather chilly now. Although she decided to stay by him, she couldn’t get a minute of sleep.

‘What am I going to do,

if I don’t sleep, I’m gonna smack the heck out of him for babysitting him.’

She thought to herself when she heard him mumble in sleep, it wasn't clear enough but it seemed like he was talking to someone.

She also noticed that the Pendant he was holding onto was shaking a bit as if it was trying to resist.

She couldn’t understand what was going on but out of her quick wit, she grabbed his hands which held on to the stone tightly.

“I don’t know what it is that you remember now but, I wish it fades away!

This is getting a lot bigger than us now!

I don’t know what challenges await us, or what will happen.

I can’t say everything will stay like this forever, may it be the evil out there!

But I want you to know,

I will stay by your side to the end, so, please