Eon of Time


“Tame it he says,

Is it some animal?

Gosh, why can’t these people be a little bit specific when it comes to such things.” Theo felt a slight discomfort building up as he rubbed his forehead.

‘Let’s deal with whatever comes at us!’

Looking at the place again, it was really exaggerated, rather grande.

He glanced at the tree in the distance and walked towards the sword.

‘What is this?’ From up close he could clearly see the sword was certainly not a normal-looking one.

Its blade was made from the crystal as its translucent texture and rough cuts spoke for themselves. It was rather forged from some truly pure crystal and would have been difficult to even forge it.

The blade’s ocean blue colour was so striking one couldn’t simply overlook it.

The handle was rather ordinary looking with a wooden centrepiece which was covered in leather to add grip. At the head, there was a small insignia of a cat.

‘Does it mean anything?’ Theo wondered looking at it.