The Gods she knew

“I can’t answer everything, I am not in the position to do so, but I can give you a hint. Maybe that’ll help you find some answers”

She sat down beside him before continuing,

“I can tell you why these people are after you,

The Gods you all know are not as they are pictured at all! Let me tell you why.

There was a time when the original Gods felt that they were not enough to help the living with everything and they needed people to help them in their tasks as well. That time was really chaotic, before the fall of Serena or even before any recorded history! The world was quite new, the Original Gods had somehow managed to brush life in this world and now they were to protect it from anything and everything.

They knew that there are many more Worlds like the one they live and this newly originated life was going to be their target, also the Astral Beasts from the never ending depths of the Void of Space, you get the idea of what they were dealing with!