And then she was betrayed!

“For years I tried learning Magic and Combat, but I wasn’t good at any!

So I started making clothes and ornaments, like necklaces, bracelets out of rare materials and stones, I was terrible at the beginning! The work appeared very strenuous for me and it started making me feel downhearted. But with the help and support of people around me I was able to learn it, wasting no time.

When I was around 18 years young (Not old), I saw him for the first time!

I still remember it as clearly as it was yesterday!” She showed a smile for the first time, her eyes gleamed a bit and her face flushed as she babbled about him.

“She didn’t talk that much last time!” Catherine with a perforated face pointed it to Merida as she was sitting adjacent to her, who was also listening to all this.