Responsibilities a Prince must carry

After a long time, nothing big was happening in Arnor, the night was rather quiet nor calm.

There was an awful quietness in the capital of Arnor, it had been long since something of this scale happened, there was sorrow in the air.

Many people lost their lives in the uproar, the buildings were damaged, although the deaths were not in high number, it was still a grieving matter.

The largest damage was done to the area immediately next to Cathedral and Royal Palace, the streets were desolated and people could be seen grieving for the dead.

The Palace and Cathedral were heavily guarded and the Patrolling was now increased in and around the capital. The city was in a state of chaos, for a small settlement as Arnor, it was a huge deal and everyone would now be looking at the movements of Overlord.


“I thought you’d leave after that?” Dimitri tracked down Milot in one of the balconies of the Cathedral tower. It was high enough to provide a wide view of the entire capital.