Hunting the Quinx gem

Theo bowed with a sorry face, “I’m sorry for waking up late, maybe the treatments I’m getting made me too sleepy and I woke later than usual!”

“I told him it was okay as we are leaving late anyways, but he won’t just listen!” Catherine rubbed her forehead. “Shall we get our breakfast? I’m starving and we have to leave as well, we can’t just fool around!”

Just as she finished Theo’s stomach made an appearance with the growling sound, he stood with a bright red face!

This brought a smile to the faces of everyone there,

“Let’s go get something to eat, you have a long way to go and you are still recovering!” Dimitri pointed at his arm,

“I’m learning to live with it but I don’t really think I’ll be able to do anything helpful ever” He sighed and started walking past all, he still hadn’t recovered from the sickness of losing not only his arm but also attacking his close companions, it was evident on his face.