The journey to Hoorain’s house passed in complete silence.
“Goodbye! And thank you so much for coming here out of your way, and the inconvenience I caused won't happen again.” Saying this, Hoorain got out of the car and Akbar drove away immediately.
After arriving back at the office, Akbar informed his secretary to cancel the rest of his upcoming meetings and forbid everyone not to disturb him. After the warnings, he locked himself in the office, let down the curtains and laid down on the couch.
He did not know what would happen from time to time, he would become so indifferent and numb that it seemed as if he was a rock with which no matter how many times you hit but it would not crack. His heart was often tired with everyone and everything around.
Someone has rightly said, "Persuading the heart’s desire is the most foolish thing to do, as it can never be satisfied..."