Task 6,7, and 8!

The purchase he bought didn't go easy on him. Tim had hoped to have a painless experience, but that request was out of the system's hands. She tried to grant his little wish, but inevitably, it was the brute pain that knocked him out, rather than anything else!

He did not have a fun time, especially in the beginning. However, he was sound asleep throughout most of the implementation of said purchase, which all facts considered, was the only type of mercy he got as a result. The process itself took four hours, it wasn't fun!

Tim woke up, about two hours after the purchase was implemented. He felt both well rested and worn down, at the same time, which was quite a sensation! The process had put his body into a strain, so it wasn't a surprise how he felt chewed up and spat out! It mattered more that he was alive, however.