Acrobatic goats!

Tim wasn’t having any fun. He could barely recall how he even ended up in these tunnels, but he knew one thing for sure, the tunnels weren’t so friendly towards spiders. He either had to keep fighting, or keep getting attacked by random creatures, which was a real hassle to work around. This was especially bothersome, once he considered that he barely won any rewards in return for all of the fights he put up! He was just running around, and surviving, which was less than ideal.

“Magical tunnels should’ve been more fun,” He pouted, “Well, this place isn’t fucking magical, I guess, but it does have magical creatures, and ghosts. Too bad that they’re all attacking me, I’d much rather use them. They could help me find my way out of here, at least, if not show me the way to a soul cave or whatever that thing is called. Oh well, I'll have to shoot at shit for as long as I can.”