Freed Dragon

The trapped dragon was now more excited, because the dripping water gave him a couple of advantages. For a start, it gave him just a bit more air to breathe in, and this itself was a great thing to be excited about, so it wasn’t a surprise that his brain activity was going up now, he just avoided death by a ball-hair here.

The second advantage was far greater in comparison! Since the water had an exit point, he could melt more of the ice around him now, and not drown himself in the process either. This way, he would be free a lot quicker!

The dragon started blowing tiny amounts of fire against the ice that had entrapped it, he got into work right away. This tiny amount of fire may not free him immediately, but he did not want to scare the goblins that were helping him, as that would be a really stupid thing to do.

“He’s pretty smart, Skendus, smarter than you said he is.” Tim pointed out.