"The difference between reanimation, and revival"

“My very own monster… erg, fish? It's as if I'm Doctor Frankenstein, only without the creepy lightning.” He joked.

What he achieved here had a lot more math included in it, and of course, he was aided by what could be considered dark magic. It was dark, because he had disturbed this little guy's watery grave, gave it eyes, senses, a brain to think for itself once more, but he didn’t give it a soul. He couldn't do that as of now.

Sure the anglerfish looked happy, but Tim got sad once he remembered that this little guy's life was purely artificial. The anglerfish, and its insides in its entirety, would fade away in a few weeks if Tim didn't feed it any more mana by then, they would fade away, regardless of how realistic the little, four-inch fish seemed!

By his calculations, he had to feed his little slave here, a hundred points of mana by every end of the month, or else it would die, again! It would fade away.