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The sky seemed infinitely endless to small creatures such as themselves, it was big, and it was also as beautiful as it was big! The rainbow colors changed positions every time they passed through a cloud of gas, thus offering an infinite, almost endless show of immense beauty!

The team enjoyed this part of the explorative trip very much, so their stress faded away exponentially! They explored the endless sky, and hoped to run into anything useful, because exploration just for exploration's sake, wouldn't get them anywhere!

“How long did it take you to find…” Skendus tried to ask, but his telepathic speech was suddenly slurred.

Tim couldn't answer back either, because not only was their speech suddenly slurred, but their very souls were being tossed around like sheets of paper, down an invisible canal of sorts! They did not understand what was going on, and it didn’t help how the fragments of their conscience that were attached to their souls, were being messed with as well.